Thursday, July 09, 2015

Medal of Freedom?

Really, Ted? [More]

Saying he's "against gun control" but for  an "assault weapon" ban, waiting periods and "background checks" doesn't concern you, and is worthy of a Medal of Freedom?

And then there's this inconvenient truth...

Still, it was nice of you to admit this:
GOP, your very existence is on the line here. Show some honesty or you’re done. 
Welcome to the party, pal. Ditto for legal recognition of 2A once that "pathway to citizenship" opens up all lanes. When are you going to get vocal and convince NRA to admit the obvious?

Related: Don't even get me started on Rancid Prepuce.

1 comment:

  1. Long Island Mike7/09/2015 12:53 PM

    Love ya man, but come on. Trump has a multi-BILLION dollar empire. 100K to the Clinton Foundation is pocket change and gets him access. Makes sure that if he needs to speak to people they pick up the phone. That is just the way the world works. Especially in business and especially in corrupt BS states like NY.

    As for the Nuge, its hyperbole for an article. What did they call it in High School English class? Poetic License. Doubt it highly that Ted is going to lead a charge for a MOF. Lighten up.


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