Monday, July 27, 2015

We're the Only Ones Good Enough

Saco said he couldn’t explain the Sunday night incident, but said Lebert is a 30-year veteran of the department and a good officer. [More]
In other words, this headcase sociopath bully has been getting away with behaving like a goddam abusive brownshirt thug for decades. Watch how he treats mundanes when he thinks he can:

Here's the punk's Linked In page.

Funny-- the Medford PD hasn't posted anything about this on their Twitter feed. Maybe send 'em an anonymous tip...?


  1. Can't touch him. His dept. is part of NEMLEC, a private entity that apparently manages some 50 or so formerly 'public' pd-s. This private status allows the gang to keep its activities secret as in no foia will be honored.

  2. "eyeamok" commented on FR (remember, the dashcam here was the citizen
    mundane driver's dashcam:

    when are we going to get serious and pass some common sense laws on
    these high capacity recording devices? I think anything more than a
    single shot is just plain unnecessary"...


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