Friday, August 14, 2015

Establishment GOP to Secure Borders!

“A political party has a right to … secure its borders,” asserts the Post’s George Will, “a duty to exclude interlopers.” [More]
Shrinking party borders, along with the nonexistent national ones, if he and his fellow deconstructionists have their way...

And he's just as endearing on that "single issue":
Gun control advocates who want to square their policy preferences with the Constitution should squarely face the need to deconstitutionalize the subject by repealing the embarrassing amendment.
This contemptible subversive is what the oligarchy passes off as a "leading conservative thinker." Which allows them to paint anyone of actual principles as an "extremist"...


  1. The Rs are all about borders; as in fencing out all voices of liberty and small gov. As for the nation's borders, not so much. Let 'em burn, every last one.

  2. Gee, David, and to think the Establishment promoted the 'Big Tent' as a virtue instead of a delusion.

  3. Yep-- no room in the Big Tent for elephants-- the RINOs have crowded them out.


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