Monday, August 10, 2015

The Toobin School of Elite Journalism

What do people prefer to be called? [More]
Kind'a makes me wonder  what he would call an assailant ramming a plunger handle up his bloody ... uh ... nose.  Besides "Darling."


  1. No such thing as "illegal immigrants", because illegals are invaders, not immigrants.

    If those are "illegal immigrants", then a home invader is an "illegal roommate".

  2. So, following his train of thought, and I'm being generous here, there are no illegal guns. They could be called undocumented firearms, or perhaps firearms living with someone who shouldn't have them?

    I'm certain that AP and all the others will soon fall in line with this new way of thinking.

  3. “People who speed aren’t ‘illegal drivers,’ nor are people who fall behind on their taxes ‘illegal filers.’ ” Salmon may be overstating that, but he is right about what we understand when we hear the word “illegal” alone: “The use of the term ‘illegal’ to refer to a person is a usage which is confined to exactly one group of people: Migrants."


    People who speed aren’t illegal drivers, but people who drive without a license are definitely illegal drivers (1, and even more common in the UK). Minors imbibing in bars are illegal drinkers (2) People who hold jobs without a green card are illegal workers (3). People who run unlicensed daycares are illegal providers (4).

    Despite the fact that this meme is all over the web (mostly on proggy websites), Toobin should be ashamed even to quote it, as it disintegrates under even minimal examination.






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