Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Not a Real NeoCon Like Jonah

Gee, not one word about immigration, the single greatest threat against legislative and judicial options for those "conservatives" you claim to be the qualification decider for... [More]

Why is that?  For a guy whose "solution" appears to be let 'em pay back taxes and then sign 'em up to vote and put the issue behind us, well, screw you.

Thing is, I agree up to a point-- I don't particularly trust Trump either, and have gone on record plenty of times explaining why-- but I sure am having fun watching him give you nattering nabobs of negativism fits.

1 comment:

  1. David, I caught this on Rush. Excellent read; worthy of updating your blog entry:

    "An Open Letter To Jonah Goldberg – RE: The GOP and Donald Trump"

    Remember Virginia 2012, 2013? When the conservative principle-driven electorate changed the method of candidate selection to a convention and removed the party stranglehold on their “chosen candidates”. Remember that? We do.

    What did McConnell, the RNC and the GOP do in response with Ken Cuccinelli, they actively spited him and removed funding from his campaign. To teach us a lesson? Well it worked, we learned that lesson.

    Representative David Brat was part of that lesson learned and answer delivered. Donald Trump is part of that lesson learned and answer forthcoming – yet you speak of “character”.


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