Friday, October 02, 2015

Among 23 Developed Countries

You guys wouldn't be leaving any out, would you...? [More]

I mean, I'm sure there must be a good reason the guys making the Obama administration look like impotent fools in Syria aren't considered "developed"; enough to be on the chart everybody's using and hardly anybody's calling them on...

[Via Fresch Fisch]

1 comment:

  1. The chart is nonsense, because it specifically focuses on “firearms deaths.” What’s next, Japan is a scary dangerous place to live because it ranks first on a chart of “rickshaw deaths?” Yeah, the US has firearms, and other places don’t — it’s no mystery.

    The important comparison to make is the level of violent crime, not the proportion of it that happens to be gun-related (especially since more than half of our “firearms deaths” are suicides). What tells you that a country is "less safe" is your chance of encountering violence, not the method of its delivery. For example, see:…

    Sort by homicide rate (it's alphabetical by default). You will see the the US comes in as #111 out of 218 (pretty much smack in the middle), far behind many "gun control paradises." So, in fact, we DO "have a significantly lower murder rate than other countries with more restrictive firearms laws." Imagine that.

    If they get you asking the wrong questions, you'll be satisfied with the wrong answers. When they ask you the wrong question, anwer the right one.


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