Friday, October 16, 2015

Media Continues Spreading Distortions and Lies about Oath Keepers

“The bigotry and hatred championed by groups like the Oath Keepers does not represent the majority of Americans,” Ellison charged, without providing one example to substantiate such an ugly and damning accusation. In fact, he can’t, and a few minutes on the website would have provided numerous examples of Oath Keepers being just the opposite of how it’s portrayed, as exemplified by some of the videos on the website’s “About” page, or this couldn’t-be-clearer section of the Bylaws... [More]
Start with the question "Why would the government demonize [insert name of group here]?" Based on historical precedents, who thinks it all ends there, especially when power is at stake?

1 comment:

  1. Most people hate the government and blame them for all of the problems. At the same time, the same people champion the order followers. At the very least they say it's a job that must be done. Here's what I don't get. If you are sick of this government stealing your property against your will. If you are sick of the kidnapping and assaults that the government doles out, then why are we not even more thoroughly disgusted with the order followers. I mean, if the police, agents, etc.. did not steal your property or threaten you with their seemingly monopoly of force, then the government wouldn't get away with it. The constitution and the so called legitimate government are not friends of liberty. Order followers would seem to be the exact opposite of liberty. Think about it, if the order followers did not follow their orders, who is going to force our hard earned property from us ? I would like to see trump or biden come and take it ! I understand people wanting to get rid of the bad politicians and restore the constitutional government, but the constitution is a service contract that gives a very small group of people a false authority to take whatever they want however they want. Not to mention it gives itself the right to kill for "treason." Who in the heck consented or contracted with the government ? It's not liberty, it's theft, murder, assault, threats, and kidnapping. The individuals that follow the orders and physically follow the royal decrees of the government are the real enemy ! I understand that it is a painful truth, but it is my truth. No one has a right to trespass against another, espically if a piece of paper says so. A piece of paper which no one consented to. I would imagine if I got together with a bunch of individuals and wrote down a bunch of crazy stuff and had the arms to back it up, I don't think the majority of people would call it legitimate, moral or LIBERTY !


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