Thursday, October 22, 2015

Open Secrets

[T]he battle over the Second Amendment will be won by progressives in the coming years, thanks to a secret weapon. [More]
That's some secret. Some of us have been screaming as loud as we can about this for years, doing everything we can to get the gun groups to acknowledge the danger to the "single issue" and to take proactive steps to educate their members and pressure politicians with grade adjustments. It's not our fault if those warnings have been ignored and marginalized so as not to rock the access boat.

The funny thing is, it should hardly be a new "secret" revelation for WND. Two-and-a-half years ago, their columnist Albert Thompson wrote:
If the NRA, GOA, hunters, range owners, the tea party, churches and gun/ammo manufacturers don’t fight amnesty efforts, the Democrat elite will get their wish. In a few years, the Democrats will win legislative majorities in the states.
You know what the Democrat elite want to do. Amnesty gives them the power.
The Second Amendment will not be safe.
CPAC can’t support amnesty and the Second Amendment.
The RNC can’t support amnesty and the Second Amendment.
The conservative-libertarian movement can’t support amnesty and the Second Amendment.
What's particularly disappointing are many of the comments that focus exclusively on blaming "liberals" while still apparently oblivious to Republican culpability. And "Molon Labe" comments would have a lot more credibility if there was some indication that such "efforts" were not the extent of the committed "activism" of those posting them.

Ah well, maybe now that this is getting wider notice, a light bulb will go on about the troops-rousing (and fundraising) potential, just like we saw when Fast and Furious was finally acknowledged after our "leaders" emerged from hiding.


  1. You're wrong on this - not to mention, taking the losing side of the proposition.

    Wrong, because the owning of guns is not a popularity contest. Better to spend your time getting gun owners not to have so many defeatist, law-ridden opinions.

    Losing because Hispanics are just better at reproduction than the rest of us. Something to do with being Catholic...

    Of course at some point they will melt into the general mindset of everybody else. The kids look more American every day.

    Anyway gun control is dead. The banners are losing their major constituencies.

  2. You have a website-- go ahead and flesh out how a pathway to citizenship will not create an overwhelming Democrat majority. Something verifiable, not just your opinion. Send me the link when you're done and I'll post it here so you can host the discussion you wish to have.

  3. David is absolutely right about this issue. It has been researched and documented to death, and we know exactly how most immigrants will vote and that 70% of them will be (and are) on welfare, thus supporting big government. Also, with the idiots currently on the Supreme Court, there is no doubt how any state or local gun control laws will be upheld, regardless of our founding document.

    This is exactly why I recently wrote a letter to GOA about their support of Ted Cruz, which is a fatal flaw due to his support of, and intent to, expand legal immigration. Ted has publicly stated he wants to double immigration from its current levels and increase work visas 500%, not only diluting our voter base with statists, but displacing American workers who support the GOA. No matter how strong Ted is on the Second Amendment, this position undermines that which he says he supports.

    Make no mistake about it, demographics is destiny, and unless immigration is halted for at least 50 years our destiny is the third world, complete with its own dictatorship, and loss of personal freedoms. It's not just the NRA, but GOA is making the same fatal error with their support of Ted Cruz.

  4. How's that Left-"Libertarian" immigration happy-meal cult working out for California, Paul?

  5. Bonneau,

    That flaming libtardian mentality of yours rears it's ugly Libertarian head again, eh Paul ? Codrea is spot on. The unfettered invasion of third world Muslims and Hispanics is the death knell of both 2A and the country. Soetoro-obama knows exactly what he is doing.

  6. When they have complete control of the water, food, electricity, the Internet, cell phones..........,
    two weeks and it will all be over. Actually they can do it now but the longer they wait the easier it
    will be. The guns will be stacked neatly at the end of the block, ready to be picked up. I mean
    who is going to stop them? That ship has already sailed.


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