Thursday, October 29, 2015

SALT and Light

Get the evil to agree and we'll talk. And it'll still be "No."

First and foremost, this thing is useless in terms of militia utility. And at the up close and personal level, if I feel compelled to defend my life and the lives of my loved ones, the last thing I'm going to be worrying about is the ultimate well-being of the threat. Typically, I appreciate options that allow for escalation if the situation, the urgency and your training tell you that's appropriate, but I'm having a hard time seeing how someone committing to the SALT gun will have time to recover should Plan A fail.

I can't help but wonder how these two guys would fare against somebody who means business. And how "non-lethal" this thing would truly be against the #1 cause of "gundeaths", noting what can happen using just blanks.

I note this was on Indiegogo for crowdfunding but that link went dead -- I assume it probably ran afoul of their policies?

[Via David H]


  1. I also love how they recommend placing a "protective cloud of toxin" in the air before the intruder actually gets through the door, but give no thought to the possibility of that cloud of toxin being blown back onto the home owner which could happen due to normal air currents in the house, or by the intruder successfully breaching the door. Generally speaking clouds of toxin are a terrible idea unless you happen to be wearing your NBC gear. So now when I hear a disturbance I have to get my SALT pistol and my pro-mask on before dealing with it. I think I'll keep using my old fashioned bang stick, thank you very much.

  2. Ask Victoria Snelgrove how much less than lethal pepper balls are.

    Indiegogo weapons projects, so I assume they killed the project.

    I happen to think that chemical weapons like capsicum and Mace are a useful part of the spectrum of force. I also happen to think that a pepper ball gun that looks and feels as much like a firearm as SALT does is a bad idea. Just look at the times some cop 'confused' his handgun for his 'less-lethal' Taser.

  3. I say issue them to all Federal Protective Service folks for field testing. Of course we'd have to remove their real guns just so there would be no mistakes. Oh, they should be tested by Bloomie's guards too.

    All in all, a bad idea. Ranks rightn up there with "just give them what they want".

  4. These guys are liberals who think it's important to not injure someone who wants to injure or kill someone else while they are stealing your property.
    Why is it so important to make sure we don't injure someone who is willing to kick in your door while you are home and probably kill you?
    They seem to imply that society would be at a loss if a criminal who commits home invasion or robbery should lose his life. Is protecting the life of the criminal more important than protecting your own life?
    In true Liberal fashion, they show a gay couple and an interracial couple and then play sad music to elicit sympathy for the criminal. WTF???
    Here are two leftists, trying to capitalize on the anti-Second Ammendment movement. I can imagine their dream is to replace traditional firearms with their ridiculous "safe" gun.
    The only one who would be safe is the bad guy.


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