Monday, October 19, 2015

So Much for Being "Owned by the Gun Manufacturers"

Even CNN admits  the money comes from the grassroots, making this a good link to have the next time you run across a Prozi troll spreading lies. [More]

That said, the bit about the computer programmer from Texas tithing to Fairfax, the subject of another CNN piece, elicited a response from WarOnGuns Correspondent Laocoön. I don't see where his comment was allowed, so I need to post it here rather than link to it: :
What a sucker.
1. The NRA raises $400 MILLION dollars a year, most of it wasted and stuffed into the pockets of greedy staff, sweetheart vendors, corrupt directors, phony "pro gun" politicians, and other parasites who don't give crap one about 2A or are actually working passive-aggressively to destroy 2A and the USA itself.
2. Wayne LaPierre's "package", the disclosed part of it anyway, is over $2 million; Pepe LaPew's pay alone is about the size of the entire budget of Gun Owners of America. 
3. There is no such thing as a pro-gun Democrat politician. ALL Democrats are working for gun control and the destruction of the USA. Every last one. There is no such thing as a Dem who never supports openly anti-gun Dems for other offices (e.g., President), never votes to confirm anti-gun nominations for judiciary and enforcement positions (e.g., Sotomayor, Kagan, Holder), never votes for gun grabbers for leadership positions (e.g., Pelosi Galore, The Harry Reid), never votes for the cultural terraforming and takeover of the USA through over-immigration, invasion, occupation, de facto amnesty and de jure amnesty. 
4. The NRA passive-aggressively works for the permanent destruction of the Republican party, 2A and the USA in countless ways. For example, the NRA donates millions of dollars, alongside Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, to defeat true conservatives in the primaries and re-elect corrupt RINOs. For example, NRA donated hundreds of thousands defeating Chris McDaniel in Mississippi & re-electing corrupt RINO Thad Cochran, and trying to defeat Dave Brat & re-elect Cantor in Virginia. 
5. Bloomberg collaborator, Islamophile, open-immigration/amnesty subversive, Left-"Libertarian" phony tax reformer Grover Norquist is the darling of the NRA board of directors. 
6. The suicidal immigration policies passive-aggressive supported by the NRA and actively supported by Norquisling are in the process of causing irreversible cultural and political terraforming of the USA. Within 20 years the Dems will have permanent supermajority control of the federal government and a supermajority of the states. Enough to win every key legislative battle, nomination battle, judicial battle and enforcement battle. Enough to control all arms of government including executive, legislative, judiciary, police, "security", spy, and military. Enough to legally change the Constitution at will. So say goodbye to your guns, liberty, country, quality of life, culture, property, standard of living, etc.


  1. "The NRA passive-aggressively works for the permanent destruction of the Republican party"

    That's what we want, isn't it? Isn't that why so many R's like Trump?

  2. Paul Bonneau said...
    "The NRA passive-aggressively works for the permanent destruction of the Republican party"

    That's what we want, isn't it? Isn't that why so many R's like Trump?

    No, that's what YOU want, since you support the suicidal, subversive immigration policies that are dooming the R party ... and the USA, liberty, security, sovereignty, dignity, privacy, property rights, and gun rights.



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