Thursday, December 17, 2015

For the Children

I'm told this ad was from an old Sears catalog. It looks to me like it could also be a magazine ad for specific brand*, but there's a larger point to be made beyond its source, and it speaks to an ongoing "fundamental transformation" aimed at destroying the America many of us once just assumed was our birthright.

We've talked about old toy ads here on occasion, notably things like the Mattel Tommy Burst and the Johnny Seven O.M.A. Funny-- none of us ever had the least bit of a problem with trigger-happy Only Ones.

And for vintage ads of real guns, there's no better source than the Classic GUNS Magazine Editions archive.

[Via Keith B]

* UPDATE: Per the wincing Hufflophobes, it's a 1972 Daisy Air Rifle Ad. The embedded video is a hoot, too -- Emma Gray evidently doesn't run into any real men in her provincial existence, and former Bloomberg aide and Pajama Boy clone Jacob Soboroff is absolutely seething at being bullied by Bushmaster's "man card" ad.


  1. Pretty sure that's a Daisy ad. But if you search the web, there's plenty of old time Christmas ads pushing real powder powered firearms.

  2. What self-respecting boy of the 60's wouldn't want to be a 'One Man Army' -- I had one of those. I got mine on Christmas.


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