Thursday, December 03, 2015

In a Nutshell

"Once again we have Governor Malloy spouting off for more gun control before any facts are out about who may have committed the atrocity in San Bernardino and why they committed it. Once again we also have Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty, Senator Chris Murphy and Senator Richard Blumenthal parroting calls for more gun control out of their playbook. It is obvious that in their minds, law-abiding citizens of the United States would be better off walking around completely defenseless with no means to protect themselves." [More]
Stated another way, they would all rather see you dead than armed.


  1. ... so - a devout Muslim with a Saudi wife misusing "assault weapons"?

    Gotta be a right wing extremist malitia connection there somewhere!

    Surely it involves "ammosexuals" and the NRA is complicit as well ... probably funded by the arms manufacturers ...

    Just got to keep "investigating" with a predetermined agenda and it will play out to advance the gun grabber agenda - surely?

    Yeah! Rigtht!

    Spinning, spinning, spinning ...

    Ma Duce

  2. Does Malloy even have a clue how bad it is for gun owners in the PDRK? Yeah, we have (keep) guns, but getting new ones is a freakin' headache. And the carry (bear) part? Concealed carry is may issue, which reads "When Hell freezes over, we'll issue." and open carry is outright verboten.

    Every one of his gun control wet dreams are in place here, and they didn't stop this Islamowackjob from doing this evil.


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