Thursday, December 10, 2015

Once a JBT, Always a JBT

Had the Framers time-traveled to a contemporary gun store, they probably would have been astonished at just how lethal firearms would become. They might have even graced the Second Amendment with an additional clause that placed limits on the madness. [More]
Well we know that's not true.

Say, where's the Constitutional authority for your entire federal career again?

I prefer to think they would have been astonished by how the servants have usurped the title of master, and bitterly disappointed that so many of the beneficiaries of their inspiration and sacrifice are content with that.

The founders would have been astonished by you, Agent Wachtel.


  1. Now David,

    I am sure that the "vast majority" of those "really good guys" who work at ATF just don't know that their agency is run by people like this.

  2. Ayuup! Why, everybody these days knows that guns nowadays kill people a lot more deader than they used to! Why, there was one criminal recently shot so dead that the bullet even killed his soul and he couldn't go to the afterlife! Ain't that awful? Ayuup!


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