Monday, December 21, 2015

We're the Only Ones Resigned Enough

The police officer whose fatal shooting of VonDerrit Myers Jr. triggered protests last fall resigned from the force on Saturday after police opened a drunk-driving investigation into an early morning crash involving his department-issued vehicle ... When police responded to the accident, a witness said a police car had caused the damage and fled. Officers found the car at Flanery’s house nearby. [More]
In other words, he wanted to make it home at the end of his shift...?

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

  1. I keep noticing that all these cops who shoot people- even people who are commonly considered to be scummy little parasites who got what they deserve- can't stay out of trouble, themselves. It takes a "special" kind of person to be willing to lower themselves to do a cop's "job", and I keep seeing the consequences of this. No "good cops".


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