Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gabby Giffords pushes prior restraint without due process for Michigan gun law

For her part, Giffords has not explained, if a man with a gun poses such a heightened risk for his “domestic partner,” why she stands by while hubby Mark Kelly buys an “ASSAULT WEAPON!!!” and a .45 caliber real “weapon of war,” and then comes up with a story that contradicts itself, first saying he’s going to turn it in to the police and then admitting his intent to sell the rifle across state lines. [More]
"Gun owners" Gabby and Mark must be immune to all those fits of violence that make lesser beings like you and me so untrustworthy.

We're the Only Ones Finger-Banging Enough

He and the shop owner are damn lucky no one else was hit. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

Fighting Bloomberg in the Silver State

The Biggest Little Tyrant in the East is not stopping in Nevada, you know. Will you help provide supplies to the troops on the front lines? [More]

Will you spread the word and urge others to do the same?

Need more info?

Last Sunday on Armed American Radio

Live from the USCCA Headquarters in West Bend, WI Mark welcomes USCCA founder Tim Schmidt, Concealed Carry Magazine Managing Editor Kevin Michalowski, USCCA Member Retention Specialist, Rob Conlon, USCCA Member Services Supervisor Becky Ciriacks, Regular Contributors Neil McCabe, David Codrea, George "The Mad Ogre" Hill, your tweets and more! [Listen]
If you missed it live, you can listen at your leisure.

Win Fabulous Prizes

I'm late sharing  this month's contest post. [More]

Where "Progress" Can Be Made

"It's not like millions of new Democrat voters can affect RKBA..."
Instead, says Cantor, Republicans and President Obama must come together to “focus on areas where they agree and where progress can be made.” Specifically, Cantor recommends the GOP eschew hot button controversial issues like illegal immigration and repealing Obamacare and instead focus on such pressing issues as “moving swiftly on trade promotion authority and finalizing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and a new agreement with Europe (TTIP). [More]
I'd say real progress was made booting this mole out of government. Too bad there was no real coordinated and effective use of people who instead were and are diverted by opportunists taking advantage of good intentions.

Yeah, send an email -- or better yet, a paid fax blast -- to Dianne Feinstein or Debbie Wasserman Schultz. That'll advance "conservatism." That'll show 'em!

Bush socks?

[Via Mack H]

With Friends Like These

“I don’t think making background checks limited only to sales that take place in public venues like gun shows and stores is going to stop the type of sales that lead to criminals buying guns,” said Baker, who supports the Second Amendment right to own a firearm but favors reasonable restrictions in obtaining guns, including universal background checks. “To have real teeth and dissuade people from selling guns to criminals, all firearm sales should require a background check.” [More]
Translation: "I favor 'shall not be infringed' and advocate prior restraints by the very people specifically prohibited from imposing them. And having them destroy you if you don't obey."

Yo, Patty-cake: the Doctor would like to have a word with you.

[Via Mack H]

Imams Demand Action...

And madrassaroots activists provide it... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

Ring in the New

FFLGuard has posted its first VBlast of the new year. [Watch]

It's Not Just the Second

Our rights under the U.S. Constitution are not subject to voter initiatives or unconstitutional fiat masquerading as law. Background checks cannot be lawfully compelled as a precondition to receiving permission to exercise a right no government, at any level, has the authority to issue or withhold. [More]
Donald Cline notes, with the Constitution being the supreme Law of the Land, the Bill of Rights, with emphasis on the Fourth, Fifth and Tenth Amendments, is supposed to forbid such infringements.

Supposed to.

He's got a website that has lots of detailed information, and he's looking for our help to get people to know about it.  I recommend you start by first bookmarking it so you can spend sufficient time as you have it, returning at your convenience, and if you find value in it, to be that force multiplier I'm always harping about and share his link with others.

UPDATE: I see JPFO featured his article as today's alert.

Amazing Story

Not particularly related to anything usually presented here, aside from affirming preservation of life even against dark and seemingly hopeless odds... [More]

We're the Only Ones Dutiful Enough

Albuquerque Cops Who Killed James Boyd Charged With Murder; Had "Duty" to Kill Boyd Defense Says [More]
And we all know what that means.

[Via several of you]

Taken, Alright...

Naturally, since the subject was Charlie Hebdo, they didn't ask him about his reported statements about converting to Islam... [More]

I've done what I could to alert gun owners. And again.

It's obviously not going to be enough.

That's what happens when reach -- and supportive force multipliers -- are limited.

[Via Neil W]

This Day in History: January 13

There are two obstacles still remaining which greatly retard us, to remove which I have repeatedly applied to Government in vain. The first is That no provision is allowd by the State for the Recruits at the different places of rendezvous. The recruiting Officer must therefore suffer his Men to Shift for themselves, and get to the Rendezvous as well as they can; by this means a number of the Men are lost, for after spending their Bounty Money, they refuse to March to the G. Rendezvous, without provisions... [More]