Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When It Absolutely, Positively Isn't Going Anywhere

After months, Wilson tells me this morning, of trying to set up a merchant account with FedEx (via the NRA Business Alliance, no less), he says he was informed Friday on the phone by a FedEx representative that they were not going to be able to ship his Ghost Gunner. [More]
Ask them why.

[Via Florida Guy]   

So THAT'S Why We Need to Fight Global Warming

We obviously need common sense temperature safety controls!  [More]

What a polite way of saying "not motivated to riot if they have to undergo discomfort."

[Via bondmen]

A "Gun Owner" with a Huge "But"

I am an Iowan and a gun owner ... But I am also a mom.  [More] 
Really? I thought having a gun in the home made it 274,369 times more likely someone, probably your kids, would be blown away, plus that women living in such circumstances were all a bunch of domestic violence victims who would just have their guns taken away and used against them. No?

I figured that's why Amber preferred to concentrate on the Trayvon Martin "Stand Your Ground" lie the hive insects are always trotting out. Funny, how she disses lawful self-defense and then turns around and cites "excellent existing self-defense laws."

Nobody expects MILMs to be consistent, I hope. Or truthful.

They sure do milk that "I'm a gun owner" line, don't they? I'd like to see all FFLs I'm willing to do business with post a sign like this on their premises:

[Via Michael G]

Rule of Man

Such restraints are for little people, not demigods. [More]

That said,in fairness, there are plenty of restraints I ignore, too. The difference is, my decisions aren't binding on anyone else, and when I make them, there are actual personal risks involved.

[Via Mack H]

Hard for Whom?

Some go around hoops, not through them. [More]

There's a new paradigm in there somewhere that good people had better learn from...

[Via Mack H]

The Lesson of Iceland

One is there, you know. Actually, several are, and not all are related to policing.  Important ones. [More]

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Expertly Trained Enough

Columbia University professor who teaches peacekeeping skills to cops, firefighters is charged with assaulting boyfriend [More]
You should see how peaceful they get when you lay 'em out.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Justified Enough

Both the county and the department have ruled the shootings justified, despite the lack of a firearm and the fact that the two cops shot a man 16 times as he lay in bed. [More]
Besides, there was no "malice." Heck, we'd do that to you too, and we don't even know you.

We're the Only Ones Professionally Trained Enough

He said the suspect also previously worked at the Gainsville Police Department. [More]
At least he was well-qualified...

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Reenergizing Enough

A newly emerged video appears to show Florida police officers tasering an elderly man with his hands up. [More]
That ought to put a spark back in the old boy's life!

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones More Highly Rated Enough

So putting the police numbers at an annual rate gives you a rate of 0.01%. Both 0.01% or 0.0003% are both extremely low and the violations might not be comparable in that the private individuals might run into problems that a police officer (even one off duty might not run into), but the rate for police is still 23 times higher. [More]
I wonder if there's a statistically valid way to extrapolate incidents that are never prosecuted in the first place because of institutional interests in keeping a lid on things.

Oregon Democrat confirms amnesty danger to gun rights

Calling it the “civil rights battle” for millennials that will decide who controls the the country for the next three decades, Democrat Rep. Kurt Schrader of Oregon says immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years”... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report says don't take my word for it-- this time, I want you to believe what a "progressive" Democratic is telling us, because it happens to be the truth.



Sure, Gomer, your input will always be welcome here. Go ahead.

The Next Generation

Those playing the long game know this is where we're most vulnerable. [More]

We're the Only Ones Pranking Enough

A person who works in the courthouse said the prank involved the courthouse's chief bailiff, Delbert Garrison, opening the door to a side room where lawyers work and pointing his service weapon at a deputy attorney general in the room. [More]
There is nothing I can add to this. It needs no further comment.

[Via Russell S]

An Exaggeration

The result is that gun violence appears to be four times more frequent than it really is. [More]
There's that refusal to use the "L" word again.

[Via Neil W]

Weasel-Wording with Rob

I did not have high hopes approaching Sen. Rob Portman would produce results. I see his machine hasn't changed my opinion by the response I got to my approaching him to do something about ATF's latest ammo ban proposal.

Here's what I got back:
[Click to enlarge]
My reply:
Now try being actually responsive to what I wrote you about instead of having your staffer pick an approximate self-serving boilerplate reply from a category menu. Care to give me something unequivocal related to my reason for writing, instead of this squishy, say-nothing BS?

Read the damn message I sent you. Are you going to do anything about ATF's proposed ammo grab? Yes or No?
At times like this, I wish I had a baby I could hold up for him to kiss, just to restore my easily-manipulated faith in his deserving high office and power.

Then again, maybe I'm wrong about him just being self-serving. After all, look at his most recent tweet:

Well then, I'm convinced.

An "Erroneous" Claim

How the hell does telling someone you were in the Special Forces when you weren't qualify as "misstating ... erroneous ... incorrectly stated ... inaccurate ... mistake"? [More]

There's another word that seems more fitting, one that starts with an "L" that I don't see here. I guess that's another example of "AP Style."

So naturally, the "progressive" Opposite Day position is "We take him at his word," because after all, "mistakes" will happen.

This Day in History: February 24

The joy inspired by the speedy prospect of Peace, wch the King’s Speech to his Parliament affords, naturally turn’d my thoughts to the Army, to whom we are so much Indebted for the Accomplishment of the great event of peace & Independence... [More]