Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Growing Map

Grant And Jefferson On Board. Anti Gun Hearing Tomorrow. [More]
Oregon Firearms Federation's latest alert...

"Quack Quack!" Cried Alan Delamater. "Quack Quack!"

Kurt's latest Gun Rights Examiner column notes that as a typical Opposite Day "progressive," Dr. Al's slogan appears to be "First do harm." [More]

"Our Solutions Connect People and Possibilities"

Except when they don't, and our kneejerk default to ignorant corporate cowardice creates disconnecting problems... [More]

Kurt's latest JPFO Alert notes another FedEx crash.

Federal agents 'catch and release' open carry activist in Washington

With the potential punishment for a court violation being up to two years imprisonment and a lifetime firearms disability, the difference between “in” and “on” is important. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report details a story that unfolded and updated as I was writing it -- further highlighting the power of correctly applied social media at facilitating effective activism --which is why I'm always harping at readers here to put your prejudices aside and use it as a tool, not for the trivia that causes so many to turn a disdainful nose up at it.

The Honor Roll -- Better Not Step in It

There's some kind of Bloombergian memorial for stuff scraped off of Tarheels going on... [More]

Wait a minute...that's not tar...

Sigh. If only they'd disarm you and me!

Illinois Democrat’s ‘Firearms Registration Act’ may test new paradigm

Collins knows this, of course, as do all gun-grabbers who would require registration, which is a prerequisite for confiscation. That increasing numbers of gun owners know that and have defiantly told those enacting such Intolerable Acts to get bent is not lost on impotent and enraged state monopoly of violence cultists, who vent their fury by demanding others employ that violence to bend the “scofflaws” to their will. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the stage may have been set to find out just who serves whom.

Unelected Bureaucrat REFUSES

And the representatives of We the People are "disappointed."  [More]

They ought to issue a subpoena and then hold him in contempt.

And bring back the special prosecutor.

Through a Glass, Darkly

It looks like the AmmoLand link on WVA trying to ban night vision equipment is not working at the moment -- I leave it here in case it goes active again.

My initial critique of the piece was it sure would help if they linked to the bill. The one I found just says you can't hunt with it, not that you can't have it:
"prohibiting the use of night vision technology and drones or other unmanned aerial vehicles in the hunting or taking of wildlife."
That said, there seem to be plenty of ways this could be abused to harass citizens who wish to practice their skills at night for purposes other than taking game. I don't know enough about this to weigh in with an informed opinion, and probably won't have time to dig deeper . If you have specific knowledge, please advise below in comments to educate us, and let me know if I'm at all close in my suspicion that "sportsmen" may have been lobbying for more protectionism...

[Via Florida Guy]  

Two from Workman

Good for the first one. As for the second, that's the unintended consequence of the media dragging them out as the sound bite boogeyman.

We're the Only Ones Conflicted Enough

Missouri's law allows a law enforcement officer to use deadly force to stop a fleeing felon under any circumstances. That conflicts with a 1985 U.S. Supreme Court case, Tennessee vs. Garner. [More]
Dang -- I really wanted to watch Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby make a break for it.

Thank goodness for throw-awaysthrow-downs!

Hey, they went for their waistbands.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Leaving Early Enough

I guess he was living up to his profession and his name. [More]

2:30 a.m., eh?

Let me guess -- by the time they caught up with him, he could claim any blood alcohol content happened after he got home, and had a few to settle his nerves? And any penalty for leaving the scene will be mitigated with paid time off?

[Via Neil W]

The Five

Gutfield started out OK, but they all suffer from provincial ignorance. [Watch]

I fully expected Williams to be an ignorant ass. Perino has some learning to do, and Guilfoyle made some conciliatory noises, but shows she really hasn't migrated all that far from the statism that she fed off of while married to Gavin Newsom with her registration nonsense.

The joint consensus that the government isn't coming for our guns is oblivious to the reason why that is.

Settled Science

You know, a sexual predator's "religion and dharma"... [More]

And so much for separation of church and state from those who would force us all to worship at the altar of their "god":
In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living."
Oh look -- two globalist perverts accepting their "honors":

Worldly rewards certainly are bestowed upon curious recipients.

We're the Only Ones Manhandling Enough

More like "little old lady handling"... [More]

Here's something we've seen countless times before:
... an officer ... the Clovis Unified police officer ... the officer ... an officer ... the officer ... the officer...
Funny. We know Poole's name. I guess it's not in the public interest to know his, even though he "still works for the school district," with all that implies.

To Catch a Predator

A senior State Department official in charge of federal counterterrorism programs was arrested Tuesday afternoon for allegedly soliciting sex from a minor... [More]
Gee, no way that could be compromised.

I wonder if Chris Hansen told him to have a seat...


What the hell else would you call it? [More]

Here's why.

Great on point comment by Carlos Perdue in response to a serial disruptor/troll:
Orwellian lick jobs like you are what make it Bizarro. It's the DHS that's been *importing* the terrorists and jihadis and the illegal invaders all along, through intentional gross dereliction (subversion), first under Bush and accelerated under Obama. It's Obama who is now pretending to hold America's national security and immigration enforcement hostage to his illegal amnesty. Of course he has no intention of preventing terrorists and illegals from coming in. Quite the contrary, he is attempting to give amnesty to both and pave the way for more. It's Obama who is refusing to fund the DHS until he gets the rubber stamp for DHS to further subvert the law, defecate on the Constitution, and undermine the USA. Obama could fund DHS tomorrow if he didn't insist on abusing national security for the Democrats' illegal, treasonous agenda.

Republicans are willing to and are trying to fund DHS immediately, without paying ransom by rolling for Obama's illegal, treasonous acts and agenda. It's Obama & the Dems who are "shutting down the government" etc. unless they get their ransom.
Don't be coy, Lickter. You know this is all about a coup d'etat, to import tens and hundreds of millions of 3rd worlders and other future Democrats to permanently overwhelm the native born citizenry's voting control of our country, as they already have in California.
Also, learn how to spell Bizarro, dumbo.
Oh, look:
Mitch McConnell is a true champion of our Second Amendment rights...
Where have I heard those words before?

This Day in History: February 25

This letter reports what proved to be a fatal setback to American hopes that Britain would adopt liberal trade policies toward the United States or would include such provisions in a revised final peace treaty. [More]