So the Fix Was In All Along

Another avenue of peaceable redress closed... [More

Hey, that was some "victory" back in November, wasn't it?

Rank Hath Its Privileges

Especially when it's privileged "progressives" doing the ranking... [More]

Maybe if Democrat infrastructure architect Eric Schmidt would identify those who will determine what is "factual" in re RKBA and other critical issues, including their qualifications and backgrounds, the criteria and sources they use, and their loyalties...

It must be "Don't be evil" Opposite Millennium in Mountain View.  Talk about controlling the narrative.

[Via Florida Guy]  

JPFO Responds to Ammo Ban

These out-of-control unelected bureaucrats should not just apologize, as Keane politely requests, or withdraw as others suggest. The people responsible for this travesty should be placed under arrest for attempting to grossly violate the specific enumerated Second Amendment rights of the people. [More]
So barring that, what do we have left except that new paradigm we're discouraged from discussing...?

About That Ft. Jackson Ammo Pull Tip

I finally tracked down this tip.

Bottom line is, I talked to the counter guy, who didn't want to give me any information aside from talk to his boss, and after getting nowhere, finally messaged the Commanding General's Facebook page.  They gave me the name and number of who I needed to talk to at the Public Affairs Office. He called me this morning and educated me that kind of stuff is all handled by AAFES, which is a separate command, and he gave me a name and number there.

The AAFES guy checked with the buyer and said no one knew a thing about it, there had been no change or order to discontinue/pull anything, and it may just have been a temporary stock outage, but it should be back on the shelves.

How the misunderstanding happened to where my source said such conflicting information was given to him is unknown, but for now, barring any new developments, I've carried this one as far as I can. I'm going to go back to my source and invite an update comment.

There's an object lesson here about passing on unverified information, and also about the urge to make assumptions and take risks to get a "scoop." I was tempted to escalate attention to this "story." In this case, caution appears to have paid off. Next time, it may not.

For now, Emily Litella would like the last word.

A Bloomberg Suppressor?

I wish someone could silence all his offensive noise, instead of him muffling people to ignore his negligent discharge. [More]

It's real simple: If Nevada falls, the money machine will move to the next stop. Please help.

Speaking of a Bloomberg silencer, that would make a terrific fundraising raffle item.  Mike needs one for Charlotte.

Official Privacy

I wonder if she has any about Fast and Furious?

These people are filth.

Bought and paid for filth.

Here's a "progressive" idea: Let's let the controlled filth control all the guns! And then let's let them control us!

Laocoön Speaks

In re LaPierre at CPAC:
There's a reason Bloomberg and other anti-gun billionaires are spending hundreds of millions of dollars for amnesty and over-immigration, and it isn't "cheap labor".
Over-immigration and government-sponsored invasion-occupation-amnesty pose a looming, ultimately fatal threat to gun rights by overwhelming the relatively conservative native born citizenry's voting control of our country. It's an indirect coup d'etat really, without a shot fired. Yet many gun rights supporters claim that the NRA can't oppose amnesty because it's a single-issue group. Fairly bizarre, if you think about it, that a gun rights group can't even acknowledge a massive indirect threat to gun rights that is near the point of no return thanks to that group's gross negligence and passive-aggressive complicity.

But the NRA has never been a single-issue group, certainly not in our lifetime. LaPierre champions all sorts of conservative issues, all except the one conservative issue that if lost will irreversibly defeat all the other conservative issues, the one threat that is soon to lock down the victory of the full Bloomberg gun control agenda, the one that will give the Dems permanent supermajority control of the USA and every institution within it. There is no such thing as a pro-gun Democrat. The D party is an anti-gun institution, led by gun grabbers. *All* Dems are anti-gun regardless of superficial positions and phony NRA grades. They all support anti-gun leadership, all support anti-gun candidates like Obama, all confirm extreme anti-gun nominations, etc. Don't worry though, there will still be RINOs around providing Kabuki hope for chumps.
Only GOA has had the courage, diligence and integrity to acknowledge amnesty as a gun rights issue and try to do anything about it. In fairness, the gun rights intelligentsia is very, very busy on higher priority items, like congratulating themselves on all the legal victories Bloomberg & Co will have ratcheting power to begin rolling back within a decade. There will be plenty of time for the gun rights intelligentsia to discuss this threat once it's too late to stop. Convenient thing about waiting until it's too late is that then they won't have to even try to stop it. And that's very convenient indeed for those "gun rights champions" who passive-aggressively support Bloomberg & Company's immigration coup d'etat.
An addendum to anti-illegal immigration activists:
Please read David Codrea's article and forward. He has other articles that need to be given some exposure. Why, for Heaven's sake, is the immigration control community neglecting or burying this unique angle on the immigration issue which -- if these groups were willing to lift a pinkie -- they could easily use to make allies with 110 million gun owners and probably compel the most powerful citizen group to stand with us? I haven't seen a single immigration group forward or discuss any of David Codrea's articles or Gun Owners of America's alerts, even as news. These groups wouldn't have to take a partisan or pro-gun stand, but there's nothing stopping them from reporting it as *news* for cripe's sake, to let their members discuss it and *study* it on blogs and so forth. Not only is nothing stopping them, it's their duty.
Then again, these groups have long behaved as if our side has the luxury of leaving huge amounts of potential power on the table. Mindlessly lobbying the enemy, no credible election organization, claiming that subversion and gross dereliction facilitating invasion and carnage are "discretionary" and not impeachable, etc. Which is why they need to get used to losing big, beginning soon.
That's pretty much what we're dealing with. Smart and principled activism is the key element missing between organized internet fleecing and people saying "Screw it, bring it on."

I would like to thank my friend and adviser for his wisdom and support.

Colorado Call to Action

From cydl:
The senate judiciary committee will be conducting a hearing on SB15-175, the bill to repeal the magazine ban this coming Monday, March 9 at 1330 in Senate Committee Room 352. 
Persons wishing to testify remotely can register at:

This committee is comprised of three republicans and two democrats. One of the members, Senator John Cooke, sponsored the bill. You may recognize that name; Senator Cooke was Weld County Sheriff Cooke and worked closely with David Kopel and the Independence Institute in their lawsuit against the ban. Senator Kevin Lundberg, the vice-chair strongly supports the bill. An aide of Senator Lundberg’s replied to my email regarding this bill saying that they had been receiving “hundreds of emails” in support of the bill. That to me was somewhat disappointing; why not thousands? How hard is it to send an email? One of the democrats, Senator Michael Merrifield, is a known Bloomberg lackey.

Anyway, I expect this bill to clear the committee based upon the demographics of the committee but then I felt pretty good that Hickenlooper would lose the election too, so that doesn’t mean folks should sit on their hands. The weather is supposed to be pretty nice early next week. We’ll see what kind of turnout we can get.
If you're from CO or know someone who is, please get involved right now.


Starting now, I was across the legal Rubicon. Once I’d drilled out the tiniest bit of aluminum from the lower, this hunk of metal legally became, according to the ATF, an “other” firearm. [More]
According to "the law," it's easier for a piece of metal to become a gun than it is for a fetus to become a human being.

[Via Michael G]

The Power to Destroy

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is "very interested" in the idea of raising taxes through unilateral executive action. [More]
Yeah, it's right there under Article.II. Section... well, I'm sure there's some precedent somewhere.  Who would even think to question it except some right wing extremist hater we'd better just keep an eye on...?

Speaking of Josh Earnest -- and what an Opposite Day "progressive" name that is -- did you catch what he said about the ammo ban?
The president has long believed that there are some common sense steps that we can take to, and what I mean is the federal government including Congress, to ensure that we are protecting the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans...
Yes, by all means, let's allow these people to lead that "national conversation on guns" we're supposed to be having.

Can you imagine being Josh Earnest?  That's a weakness I have, because I still can't. Ultimately, I guess it's not important to know why a snake bites, is it?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Uncompensated Enough

Lt. Campbell has been suspended without pay from the St. Louis County Police Department. [More]
See, if he'd just killed a mundane, it would probably be with pay. But steal from the department, why, that goes to a whole 'nother level.

[Via bondmen]

A Regrettable Announcement

Over the weekend I submitted my resignation as a content contributor to and adviser for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Here's why:

Last week I submitted my article on Mike Vanderboegh's BamaCarry speech to Newslinks, another website SAF bought. It never appeared.

It's no secret there is hostility between Mike and Alan Gottlieb. And Mike was apparently told by some readers that Alan has forbidden articles by or about him to appear on any properties he controls.

Alan confirmed that was the reason for the piece being banned.

My Bama Carry piece is a chronicle of a legitimate event with valid information for the people who read my stuff -- and who turn to KABA for reliable information as well. It is not a "Gottlieb is a so-and-so" attack piece. Besides, KABA is not supposed to be a personal site. It is a site that purports to bring newsworthy and noteworthy information to gun owners. That information is being suppressed due to a personal directive turns it into a personal site for the top guy, and if the Vanderboegh blackout is in force at that SAF holding, it is in force at all SAF holdings. It also renders other topics and ideas vulnerable to directive-based censorship.

It's clear those are his sites and his rules. And he would rather maintain that control than to have my continued participation and support. That is all within his rights.

Writing under such imposed censorship is not acceptable to me, nor is it consistent with my stated conditions for affiliating with the new JPFO. That is within my rights.

Admittedly, each venue I write for has a different readership and interest mix, and I tailor my submissions accordingly, but that's based on my judgment as to how I can best spread concepts I believe merit wider consideration. In other words, I don't do what I do to place myself under organizational restraints, let alone personal ones -- I do this for me.

I regret the hell out of this, but his mandate leaves me no choice but to resign or renege on a commitment I made to readers, and most importantly to myself.

I don't expect this to alter the way I deal with Alan and his organizations here or at any of the other forums where my work appears -- meaning if I see something I think is comment-worthy -- pro or con -- I'll speak my mind. If SAF takes on another lawsuit I can get behind, I'll do so. If CCRKBA advances a political strategy I don't agree with, I'm sure I'll squawk. And I still hope the unique JPFO core message established by Aaron Zelman continues to be an influence, and I hope, despite the reasons compelling me to leave, that influence can spread and grow. Regardless of anything I said here, there are some good people working their hearts out to make that happen.

This Day in History: March 3

The note you Sent me contains the Genl’s consent for my absence—I have between two & three hundred miles to go, and cannot possibly return by the 15th April—I could wish to have a limited furlough and that extended till some time in may If that can be granted I shall be much obliged. [More]