Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fake gun shop video raises questions about truth, compliance with laws

“In order to possess a gun in New York City, you will need a valid New York City handgun license or rifle/shotgun permit,” the city’s official website warns. Have we just witnessed David Gregory out-violated by an order of magnitude? Did everyone who possessed a gun in the making of this video follow the law to the letter? [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes anti-gunners doing what they do best -- spending elitist money to spread lies, and possibly even violating laws they would impose on the rest of us.

Police recording bill presumes to authorize journalists, threaten gun owners

Villalba’s bill makes “interruption, disruption, impediment, or interference” a crime that includes “filming, recording, photographing, or documenting the officer within 25 feet of the officer,” and “filming, recording, photographing, or documenting the officer within 100 feet of the officer while carrying a handgun,” just in case there are any lawful concealed carry permit holders who also happen to be interested in documenting police activities to ensure accountability. And as written, the bill appears to criminalize the act of recording one's own interactions with police. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes "law and order" Republicans can be every bit the threat to liberty as "stroke of the pen, law of the land" Democrats.

With All Due Respect

With all due respect to Gabby Giffords and the horrific tragedy that she has survived, she is now just a tool in the hands of those who seek to eradicate our constitutionally protected rights. She is essentially a professionally paid victim that advocates for any and every possible angle to dismantle our 2nd Amendment rights. [More]
Respect -- and even sympathy -- can't balance the scale against her subversive actions.

The Nutty Bloomberg Professor

Yeah, I'm all for the Secret Service deploying with fictional "Skyfall" guns.  [More]

Thanks, Professor!

White Privilege

This is where the "culture" is headed. [More]

Be careful what you say about this, or you'll be labeled a "hater."

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Clearing a Pathway to Citizenship Enough

LAPD officer accused of trying to smuggle Mexican citizen across border What makes the guy in the trunk any less deserving than any of the others [More]
Jeh Johnson says have earned the right to be citizens, and the Grover Norquist/Michael Bloomberg alliance are working to make happen?

[Via William T]

Amnesty from What?

Look, you guys want to facilitate the safe disposal of ammunition that is no longer reliable as a public service because you have the facilities for it, that's one thing.  But what's this "amnesty" crap? [More]

Assuming any of it is still good, is there a place nearby where someone could provide a competitive alternative?

[Via Mike V]

Speaking of Kabuki...

Powerline links to "a big if." [More]

Kurt Levy's piece it refers us to is behind a WSJ paywall, but you may be able to access it off of Google.

[Via Michael G]

One Hurdle Cleared

Colorado Senate Approves Repeal Of Ammunition Magazine Law [More]
I wouldn't go dancing in the streets just yet.

I wonder how much of this is just political kabuki...

[Via cydl]

Meanwhile, Over at the Most Transparent Administration in History...

White House office to delete its FOIA regulations [More]
And yeah, the "Vote Freedom First" president did it too.

Big surprise, that.

A Racist Ingrate

Funny, I don't see anything about this trivial, lottery-winning skank over at SPLC's "HateWatch" site... [More]

Funny, who "society" rewards with "fame" and fortune.  I'd never heard of her before, but plenty have, and plenty are willing to pay for whatever it is she does.

Cultural Terraforming

You've spent twenty plus years loyally working in Information Technology (IT) for Southern California Edison, and eighteen months ago your boss tells you that they are going to study outsourcing but not to worry, "your position is safe." On the one hand you are worried because you know many stories of American IT workers losing their jobs to outsourcing, but on the other you feel comforted that you've been loyal to SCE and provide a critical service. Then eight months ago they tell you that they are outsourcing most IT functions and that they want you, get this, to train your guestworker replacement. If you say no, SCE will terminate you with cause and you would lose not only a severance package but also eligibility for unemployment insurance. [More]
This is a big part of why establishment Republicans and their plutocrat masters are selling everyone out. Illegal immigration is not the only aspect for which a cultural impact study ought to be required of a government with a prime directive to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Who believes the resulting impacts of this and a "pathway to citizenship" for illegals will work our well for RKBA?  Got anything of credible substance we can test to  validate that conviction?

This Day in History: March 17

Our affairs wear a most serious aspect as well foreign as domestic. Before this gets to hand Your Excellency will probably have seen the provisional articles between Great Britain and these states. It might at first appearance be concluded that these will be the prelude to a general peace; but there are strong reasons to doubt the truth of such a conclusion. [More]