Monday, April 27, 2015

Heading Into the Home Stretch

Oregon gun owners: Are you doing everything you can? [More]

Coming Soon to a State Near You

If you think this is just a Nevada problem and it will never affect you, think again. [More]

You can get more backstory here.

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Word "Staunch" Is

Two staunch gun-rights advocates, Republican Sens. Stan Bingham of Davidson County and Jeff Tarte of Mecklenburg County, questioned Virginia's practice of granting concealed carry permits to applicants who pass an online test.​ [More]
Get this, you frauds: We don't have to pass any stinking test, online or otherwise, to exercise an unalienable right.

What the hell is wrong with you two?

[Via Mack H]

"Klan Spokesman" Memorial Water District Director Carries on Disarmament Tradition

“Right now, it’s policy that weapons aren't allowed in the parks,” Wright said. “To allow someone to carry one on their hip and walk around the park with it, no, that’s just a recipe for disaster, in my opinion.” [More]
Yeah, just like all the disasters cooked up by good people responsibly claiming their rights in parks that aren't run by anal retentive control freaks. Principled gun owners aren't interested in your opinion, tax parasite. If you really want to impose it on them, guess who is going to prevail.

Funny thing about the "Who was Pat Harrison? Click here to find out!" link at the bottom of the PHWD main page: The sanitized tribute doesn't mention a thing about the career Democrat being the "Voice for [the] Klan."

That's a group that agreed with Allen Wright about the right of all people to keep and bear arms being "a recipe for disaster," at least for those who wanted to be able to exclude those they wished to dominate.

Seems to me ol' Allen is inviting some "I will not comply" activists to demonstrate the new paradigm and invite him to show us how serious he is about enforcing his stupid and offensive "rules"...

A Numbers Game

What do you mean the emperor doesn't want us to examine his clothes? [More]

Good Question?

"If they agree with what the speaker is trying to accomplish and you don't support the speaker, why should they support you?" asked Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., a Boehner ally. [More
Oh, I don't know, Tom. It's not like you weasels took an oath or anything...

So wtf is this?

[Via bondmen]

A Friend in Need

"Restoring Liberty" needs patrons and sponsors to stay on the air. [More]

It's a real sign of the times, that programs like this must struggle mightily to survive while Mama June and Pumpkin evidently have no problem attracting an audience. That anyone outside of their immediate family has even heard of those freaks makes me think the pH Factor has reached the point of no return.

The Science is Settled

If by "science" you mean "agenda-driven propaganda," and if by "settled" you mean all challenges will be suppressed and disparaged, then yeah, there's nothing further to talk about. [More]

Some of us aren't interested in debating with liars anyway.

Defense of slavery decisions points to ultimate need for armed citizenry

That’s why the growing new paradigm represented by the “I will not comply” movement represents such a threat to those who would rule. Because ultimately, when the system results in tyranny, an armed people retain the power to nullify bad enforcement just as informed jurors have the power to nullify bad edicts. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes we can either lock ourselves into rigid policy compliance über alles, or we can recall why we have that policy in the first place (to secure the Blessings of Liberty) and act accordingly to make sure that obligation is fulfilled.

Expert Advice

Liston Matthews profiles someone actually qualified to comment on "common sense gun safety." [More]

Gosh, it's not a pediatrician with no actual firearm training credentials. What a surprise.

Grieving Parents Wanted, Inquire Within

Things are never as they seem with gungrabbers. [More]

Why is failure to disclose that relationship in legal filings not considered a fraud upon the court, to be factored into the award?

The Way Things Oughtta Be

Not the non-existent trigger discipline, but just the taken-for-granted acceptance of guns as normal things to encounter and even learn from in everyday life... [Watch]

And then the politically correct "progressive pussies took over, to where what was good for GM was no longer good for the country...

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones All-Seeing Enough

Why would you need a gun to proactively defend yourself when we have a pretty good chance or chronicling your murder if it happens in front of one of our cameras? [More]

What? Me, the great Chief Dotson, carry a camera instead of a gun?  Are you nuts?  Besides, I'm a highly-trained snowflake.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Vested Enough

Immediate response:
Let's see if they say anything:

[Via William T]

Hold On To Your Lily White Butts

You don't dare substitute "black asses," because that would make you a racist. That's because minorities don't have power. [More]

We're the Only Ones Hungry Enough

And remember, when second count, the police are just munches away. [More]

[Via Neil W]

I Never Thought of Klaatu in Quite That Way Before

Burrito, anyone? [More]

(Although with his sovereignty-abolishing Space UN "authority" and Gort being an Only One drone and all, it makes sense...)