Thursday, September 17, 2015

Now That's Funny

While Obama's leading the mob to tar anyone concerned about Clock IED Boy as an ignorant xenophobe, his guys go on full panic lockdown over a coffee mug.

About Last Night

I thought it was kind of cool seeing the debate take place where it did.  I also appreciated CNN making it available to watch online -- which Faux did not when they hosted it.

I watched the opening act and the main event. Some general observations, certainly not all that I had, but all I have time to relate:
  • The Simi Valley crowd was typical of the types of Republicans I expected -- and not reflective of the type who are fed up and not going to take it any more.
  • By having things set up to knock Trump out, he actually dominated the camera time. I don't think any committed minds were changed. As for undecideds, I'm not sure Trump helped himself with those, as he's really not as slickly articulate as most career politicians and talking heads. 
  • Pataki is a domestic enemy. I found his refusal to reciprocate on a pledge telling. Most of the others are stooges.
  • There ARE stupid questions. Stupid answers, too.
  • For all the talk about Republicans being the party of racists, it's instructive that the Democrats don't have a black candidate running this time out, that Carson is a front-runner, and that "tolerant progressives" dismiss such as race traitors as Uncle Toms.
  • While they skirted around other effects of "immigration," no one addressed the fundamental question that will make all others topics debated irrelevant based on who will control things once the "pathway" is paved and widened: What evidence does any of them have -- that can be independently corroborated -- that amnesty policies will not result in an overwhelming anti-gun Democrat majority? Because I'd really love to have it proven this is not an issue of concern. I'd love if the facts made me need to sincerely apologize to Grover Norquist for ever doubting him.

A Burning Question

For me, it would be "Are we sure this was really done by a gun rights advocate?" [More]

So Much for "Gun Safety"

Our friends the hive insects at CSGV don't like the public/private partnership any better than I do, but for different reasons. [More]

As before, Adolf signed this one too, but notes they don't let you know how many signatures they've accumulated to date. My guess, we're probably talking high 20s here, maybe even dozens and dozens...

Surviving LASD Advice

When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.  [Watch]

Do anything but return fire. Leave that to the "Only Ones" who aren't there!

I believe I've featured this before, but just can't find it now. I know I wrote about similar "Homeland Security" crap a few times -- including for the mag.

As I've noted before, I agree with Jeff Knox that we need to reclaim the term "active shooters" to mean all who are lawfully using their firearms.

I'm sorry, but when they're all hiding and trying to keep absolutely quiet, I can't help but think of this.

[Via Geordan]

Oh Happy Day!

Each year on Citizenship Day, we welcome our country's newest citizens and reaffirm our proud legacy as a Nation of immigrants. [More]
So much for Constitution Day.

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?

On a brighter note, Happy 21st Birthday, younger feral son Qusay.

We're the Only Ones with a Firm Grasp of the Situation Enough

California Cop Arrested for Masturbating in Public While Following Woman [More]
I expect he'll be pounding a beat again in no time...

[Via Fed Up]

Fresh Caliph of Bel Air

If by "justice" you mean capitulate to your racist demands, and by "or else" you mean you're going to start burning cities, then, no. Your move. [More]

Stupid, overprivileged stage props...

Obama, Hillary Take Full Advantage of IED (Improvised Exploitation Device)

Isn’t that EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED? And what’s got all the Prozis, from the president on down, screaming about what racists conservative white Americans are? [More]
I guess "If You See Something Say Something ™" is only meant to apply to us "right wing extremists"...