Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Some Vets Demand ‘Gun Control’ in Spite of Oath

VanDiver is another in a long line of veterans who seem to have taken a different pledge than Oath Keepers did. We’ve seen anti-gun vets who served and even saw action like Al Gore and John Kerry, and on the Republican side, the late Sen. John Chaffee and current Senator Mark Kirk. All of them swore an oath to the Constitution, and all have embraced draconian citizen disarmament legislation in spite of the clear “shall not be infringed” proscription in the Bill of Rights. [More]
Just because you once served does not give you a right to betray your oath, as Ben here amply demonstrated.

Gabby Giffords Calls for Grace-Based Gun Control

Whenever religious conservatives broach theological concepts in government-occupied settings, many are quick to loudly complain, some by reminding everyone of Jefferson’s (misapplied) “wall of separation,” some by leveling “Taliban” accusations, and some with lawsuits and even arrests. If for no other reason than maintaining logical consistency, those who object also ought to decry faith-based “gun control” justifications. [More]
So "separation of church and state" is just a phrase of convenience, and when its to their advantage, the Prozis are all for merging the two?

It's Only a Movie

Conservative talk radio host and gun-rights advocate Dana Loesch says she has reached out to the FBI after an Internet troll edited a promotional video she recently did for the National Rifle Association to depict her bloody gun death. [More]
Not sure what the problem is here without seeing the video.

Sure, the guy is an obvious Prozi dickhead, and I have no doubt whatever he released was obnoxious and revolting, but it seems that would reflect on his diseased mind more than anything else, and ought to actually be useful to illustrate how devoid of worth the hate-consumed wretch is. For that to rise (sink) to the level of an actionable threat requiring an FBI investigation would require a lot more than this story describes.

Deadline Passed

Y'know, every time I give away all my worldly possessions and gather with other chosen ones on the mountaintop to await being rescued before the end of the world, the exact same thing always happens. [More]

A True Assault Weapon

With no legitimate spurting purpose... [More]

Yeah, the reporter is Emily Miller.   Looks like the hive insects at CSGV didn't succeed at getting her fired.

I wonder how many dozen signatures they ended up with...?

The Coalition of the Willing

U.S.-Trained Syrian Rebels Gave Equipment To Al-Qaida-Linked Group [More]
Mock and awww...

Welfare Queens on Mars

So what do you think this PR is worth, courtesy of the "public servants" you fund, whether you  want to or not...? NASA has been wearing its "progressive" agenda on its sleeve for some time.

Watching a privileged hoplophobe, who pretends to be courageous for millions of dollars, say "In your face, Neil Armstrong" in the trailer struck me as totally unnecessary and disrespectful to a man who actually did have the courage to put his life on the line.

Matt Damon!

‘No Guns’ Sign Doesn’t Square with Texas Law, School Policy

One could also argue Smith-Soto is creating a discriminatory and hostile environment against those who choose to exercise a right he does not agree with, willfully disregarding UTEP’s “harassment” policy. That makes it fair to ask if a student who refuses to comply, and who makes known his objections and intent, might suffer resultant discrimination and retaliation, and if that might cause a chilling effect on the free exercise of rights. [More]
Or are "progressive" policies only binding on those they don't agree with?

No Effect?

No, I don't imagine peaceable people carrying has all that much impact on where the lion's share of violent crimes by "prohibited persons" occurs -- and those same peaceable people are prevented by law from deterring violence in "no guns zones," so "permits" are irrelevant in those instances.  [More]

That said, a DGU where no shot is fired and no police filing is made stops an unreported crime, and the fact that the perp is allowed to go on his way probably means the can just got kicked down the road.  But the fact remains, that crime was stopped, and the professor and his fellow agenda "scientists" would rather see the defender dead than armed.

This is Your Brain on Drugs

[A] Kasich/Marco Rubio ticket is a sure winner. [More]

A Free Ride

I know freebies are wildly popular with those receiving them, but somebody pays for them. Why should those who don't share in the burden have a say in how the load is apportioned and how the pot is divvied? [More]

And do the "beneficiaries" really believe there are no strings attached?

Meanwhile, Over at the Foreign Entanglement

Everyone who has risked or given some or all has been betrayed. [More]

And for what?

Choking Back

The group and payday lender Advance America, Cash Advance Centers Inc, which has more than 2,400 offices and is also a plaintiff, claimed that the defendants exerted "back-room pressure" on banks to drive them out of business. [More]
And they weren't the only targets of the "public/private partnership."

Fighting Race-ism

A local chapter of activist group Black Lives Matter is planning on stopping Twin Cities Marathon runners from crossing the finish line. [More]
Blame people who aren't responsible for your grievances? Check.

Alienate people who might otherwise be sympathetic? Check.

Hey, who cares what happens to a bunch of damn race-ists anyway?

[Via Florida Guy]   

This Blood's for You

With the Cardinals on the verge of clinching the division, there is an new focus on safety outside Busch Stadium. This comes after gun violence left a House Springs man paralyzed after Friday`s game. [More]
Yeah, it's the fault of "gun violence." Hell of a reporting job there. And thanks to Busch Stadium's "focus on safety," the victim -- who gave the monster "what he wanted" -- did not have the means of defense to dissuade the execution attempt.

If it's any consolation, Chief Dotson made it home safely at the end of his shift.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Shot-Spotting Enough

But we're not listening to anything or anyone else. Honest. [More]

Why, that's not even possible...

I like the way the "authorized journalist" at the start of the video refers to this as "a new technology."  Ah well, they're being paid to deliver a message, not to know what they're talking about.

[Via cydl]

We're the Only Ones Better Safe than Sorry Enough

[W]e were ultimately told that MSP was operating under guidance from Mark Bowen, who stated that, “it is better to be safe than sorry, that’s why a 77R is required.” After unsuccessfully trying to communicate that that is not how the law works, we turned over the requested documentation to MSP. [More]
Hey forget being on thy shore, the despot's heel is on thy throat.  And you're paying for the "service."

What piqued my interest:
MSP had received a customer complaint that an AR-type lower receiver was transferred without the completion of a MSP Form 77R as a lower is a Regulated Firearm.
SO: Who's the kapo snitch?

[Via Standing Liberty]