Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Five-Minute Activism

I just did this. If it's worth it where you live, go for it. Be nice if gun owners in states where the antis are safe had an alternative... [More]

When "Progressives" Collide

A corrupt Democrat politician (but I repeat myself) and an "Authorized Journalist... well, since I can't cheer for anybody, I may as well make some popcorn and enjoy the show. [More]

What the hell was that?  It looked like a poorly-aimed Five-Point-Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Evil Is

Coming soon, to a Caliphate near you. [More]

Oh, Look-- Raw Story Gets It Wrong ... Again

Oath Keepers call for Waffle House boycott [More]
No it didn't. I included an unequivocal statement with a link for a purpose. You'd think if someone was going to presume to write about a subject with anything approaching understanding what he's reading, he'd, at a minimum, you know, click on it...

Case in point:
MILM is an acronym for “mother I’d like to meet,” which is apparently a slightly less sexualized “MILF” reference to the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action — which Codrea frequently targets with complaints.
No it's not.

And then there's this:
Codrea dismissed the claim as after-the-fact damage control.
Did I? I thought I made a point of specifically calling it "a diversion to mask discrimination against all gun owners."

This Travis Gettys character sure is consistently wrong. I can't tell if he's stupid, lazy, or just a liar. Or all three. Kind of like the comment posters there. In any case, it looks like I may be the recipient of a developing Raw Story cyber-stalker's unrequited Prozi man crush...

Ah well, at least he spells the name right.

UPDATE: Looks like Ken Meyer of Mediaite is also subject matter research-challenged.

Who Says They're All "Innocent"

Thug A kills Thug B. Net benefit to society. [More]

That's a "report" from June, but it was just sent to me with a request for rebuttal arguments. Bloodthirsty Prozis demand death as proof. They totally ignore defensive gun uses where the simple presentation of a gun is enough to stop the attack without any violence, that is, to increase the peace.

We saw Mr. Hardy's post just a few hours ago, showing up to 1.9 MILLION home defenses annually, corroborating the Kleck surveys. Even the much smaller National Institute of Justice study put the number at a minimum of 1.5M.

And note these are surveys, which don’t account for people who would not answer such a question—for instance, someone who is prohibited from gun ownership or use, such as someone with a bs restraining order from a vindictive ex, or someone who could get in trouble with the law, like in NYC or NJ or L.A. or DC.

See how these evil bastards control the narrative in order to perpetuate their sick lies? But that’s what most people get on the “news,” and that’s what they believe to shape how they vote. It is evil.

First Hurdle Cleared

Despite "Republican" turncoat Chris Latvala trying to trip the hurdlers. [More]

It's hardly the first time. Were I a Florida voter, I'd let the Democrat have the seat next time, even a rabidly anti-gun one, to teach the GOP a more far-reaching lesson about what happens to those who side with my enemies.

And look at the Jolly fellow who endorsed him.  Yeah, he must be worthy of all that support. I'd let him know he'd better be a hell of a lot more careful about who he picks as friends.

Speaking of Absolute (Expletive)...

"Don't give me that. It's absolute (expletive)." said Goddard. [More]
Nobody's "giving" you anything. We're just not letting you take what you have no claim to.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Disturbed Enough

The footage, posted on social media, begins with a Los Angeles police officer getting out of his patrol car, followed by a shot of a handgun held by the person shooting the video. That individual was recording the video from inside a car parked behind the officer. [More]
The default assumption is that this is a manifestation of hatred and violence, as opposed to a demonstration that people who do the same thing every day to citizens are not the "Only Ones" capable of following and recording someone while armed. In terms of creating a bigger divide, historically, LAPD has proven more than capable of doing that all by their own selves.

That said, I don't blame them for having their awareness and caution levels raised.  Just understand when We the People have that same reaction, because again, they're not the "Only Ones" creeped out by that.

"I'm the NRA"


Association Bylaws, Article III, Sec. 11, "Involuntary Termination of Membership and Disciplinary Proceedings" states in part: "Any individual or organization member may be suspended or expelled for good cause, including, but not limited to, any conduct which is contrary to, or in violation of the Bylaws of the Association."

That includes conduct and advocacy in direct conflict with Article II, Purposes and Objectives, section 1: "To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens."

Additionally, Article III, "Membership," section 1., "Eligibility," requires that the member "subscribes to the objectives and purposes of the Association."

But if Fairfax didn't have the stones to do it to this guy, Geraldo will have to find the door on his own.

Support for Kleck

Using a 5,200 person telephone surgery [survey-- see comment by Ed], authors conclude that annually about 1.9 million people draw a gun during a home intrusion, but don't actually see the intruder, another 503,000 draw a gun and do see the intruder and (not surprisingly) 497,000 report the intruder fled in response to the gun. [More]
David T. Hardy found a study from 1997.

Clearing the Field

[E]very jab you get in at your fellow establishmentarians like Marco Rubio is going to be used against them by the left. [More]
Says the leftist, who wants to guarantee that at least there will be a "pathway to citizenship" Republican if the Democrats implode. Or are we supposed to believe he really cares and is just trying to be helpful?

Just One Question

Why isn't this idiotically-grinning thing in a burqa? [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad NRA?

Especially when the "electorate" has been sufficiently programmed? [More]

That's why, ultimately, it's not about whether citizen disarmament edicts will pass -- it's about whether or not they will be obeyed. Gun rights "leaders" publicly disparaging "I will not comply" advocates would do well to remember that when their methods become irrelevant, it will be the "extremists" who matter.

"If [X] wins we'll lose our gun rights!" is a false alternative offered by those with rice bowls to keep filled and by those who haven't thought things through.

[Via cydl]

Time to Stop Doing Blow

It makes you prone to paranoid statements like "Fear is winning." [More]

It's nice to hear him say he's "not an anti-gun absolutist." Why, he grew up around guns! His brother is a collector!

Why does that sound like a hackneyed trope?

[Via Michael G]

Captain's Log

* By the way, Herschel's link to the Moloch piece has a great example in comments of what that "national conversation on guns" -- the one "progressives" say they want -- looks like in practice:
gratuitous [makes his anti-gun point, trying to sound all reasonable and adult]Sho Rembo [makes his pro-gun counterpoint]gratuitous: F*!# off, @$$hole. Nobody asked you.

We're the Only Ones Oblivious Enough

A former sheriff and his chief deputy were unaware of an illicit trade in machine guns operating secretly in their department, according to testimony in a federal gun running trial. [More]
"Barn, did you know any of this was goin' on?"

"Heck no, Andy. I'm still tryin' to figure out why Thelma Lou wants me to get a penicillin shot."

Nun But the Brave

The Little Sisters of the Poor is an international Catholic institute that takes care of the elderly. The Sisters consider it a sin to provide their employees health coverage for contraceptives (including drugs classified by the FDA as abortion-inducing) as required under Obamacare, and want the same kind of exemption given to churches. [More]
Has the administration checked to make sure these guys are compliant?

A Methodist to Their Madness

The final statement in the resolution on gun violence states, “reflecting the traditional role of The United Methodist Church that has been one of safety and sanctuary, every United Methodist Church is officially declared a weapon-free zone.” [More]
Inviting martyrdom to make a point?

At least they don't have to worry about IRS audits over "regulation advocacy" activities -- those only apply to "conservative" religious causes.

I don't suppose they'll make any guarantees?
[Via Standing Liberty]

Natural Truisms

Predators flee from the strong. [More]

But they seek out the weak to devour.

Bearing Arms the Hard Way

Sometimes you can't retreat from, or go around, over or under that which will destroy you.  Sometimes, if you are to survive, the only way out is to go through.

I recall a similar story about an African farmer and a leopard.

Note the elk hunter emerged with the proper attitude and no hatred or blame for the bear, which was reacting to surprise circumstances. I won't be surprised, as this story circulates, to see "progressive" comments reflecting hatred for the hunter.