Monday, October 19, 2015

Obama and Hillary Both Show Cards with Praise for Australian ‘Gun Control’

The effect is the same as confiscation, but they force you to legitimize it by acceptance of “payment.” It’s the equivalent of raping someone and then leaving $20 on the nightstand – and you’d better put some ice on that. [More]
A crazy woman says she wants to "buy back" your guns.  Ordinarily, the appropriate thing to do would be to move on, and call the authorities if she won't leave you alone and starts getting belligerent and dangerous. In this case, "the authorities" would be working for her.

Thanks, Grover Norquist, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, NRA, SAF...

And thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!  Right, Adam Winkler?
The fastest-growing minority group in America is Latinos. Between 2000 and 2010, the nation’s Latino population grew by 43 percent. Hispanics, which make up 17 percent of the population today, are expected to grow to 30 percent of the population in the coming decades.
Gun control is extremely popular among Hispanics, with 75 percent favoring gun safety over gun rights.
Asian Americans also represent a growing anti-gun demographic. Although only about 5 percent of the population today, the Asian American population is predicted to triple over the next few decades. A recent poll of Asian American registered voters found that 80 percent supported stricter gun laws.
Curious, how few "gunbloggers" and "gunwriters" ever weigh in on this, except to repeat that this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

Well THERE's an Opinion Worth Caring About

You tell 'im, Seth!

Bush Outrage Over Trump 9/11 Comment Springing Leaks

And speaking of immigration, everyone realizes "conservative" Paul Ryan serves his masters and himself, right?

The Next Round

“We along with our fellow plaintiffs were hopeful for a more favorable decision from the 2nd Circuit, but we are not surprised that this decision was handed down from this level. We are working with our team of attorneys and other plaintiffs and preparing for the next round.”
"We knew all along that we would end up appealing to the Supreme Court to overturn this clear injustice of our 2nd Amendment rights. ...We know that we are on the right side of this matter, and Connecticut gun owners will not surrender our constitutional rights. We will exhaust every possible avenue to preserve those rights..." [More]
We have to be ready for SCROTUS doing what I predict it's going to do in the Highland Park case -- nothing, thereby allowing bad "law" to stand. At that point, the choices will be clear: Surrender or defy, with whatever consequences that results in.

A Window into the Soul

Why not sue landlords for renting to such tenants? [More]  

We're the Only Ones Unqualified Enough

San Francisco Whistleblower Transferred After Revealing Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi NOT Qualified To Possess A Gun [More]
So who better to be in charge of disarming everyone else?

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Conflation Game

Smart to refocus on homeland [More]
I see Lynda has her panties in a waddington -- again.

Funny, who you have to turn to if you really want to start digging where she's trying to point us.

[Via Michael G]

Michael Seth Stewart is' Deeply Frightened'

What that has to do with your and my rights is unclear, but he seems to think having rougher men than him execute his fantasies, his paranoia and other emotional deficiencies may be ameliorated. [More]

Me, I think it would be a lot better for all considered if Michael took care of his own problems, and I'm not unsympathetic -- so I'm thinking of signing him up for some free samples and money-saving coupons...

Doing It All Wrong

Don't these people realize a gun in the home makes it x times more likely they'll kill women, kill themselves, have it taken away and used against them, and that they'd have been a lot better off just giving the surprise visitors what they wanted? [More]

The hive insects would rather see you murdered than armed, especially if the invader uses a gun, so they can further make their "case."

[Via Hayden]

Academic Honors

Honor guard rifle sparks lockdown at 3 Lakewood schools [More]
Just thank goodness he didn't also say "gum."

[Via cydl]

So Much for Being "Owned by the Gun Manufacturers"

Even CNN admits  the money comes from the grassroots, making this a good link to have the next time you run across a Prozi troll spreading lies. [More]

That said, the bit about the computer programmer from Texas tithing to Fairfax, the subject of another CNN piece, elicited a response from WarOnGuns Correspondent Laocoön. I don't see where his comment was allowed, so I need to post it here rather than link to it: :
What a sucker.
1. The NRA raises $400 MILLION dollars a year, most of it wasted and stuffed into the pockets of greedy staff, sweetheart vendors, corrupt directors, phony "pro gun" politicians, and other parasites who don't give crap one about 2A or are actually working passive-aggressively to destroy 2A and the USA itself.
2. Wayne LaPierre's "package", the disclosed part of it anyway, is over $2 million; Pepe LaPew's pay alone is about the size of the entire budget of Gun Owners of America. 
3. There is no such thing as a pro-gun Democrat politician. ALL Democrats are working for gun control and the destruction of the USA. Every last one. There is no such thing as a Dem who never supports openly anti-gun Dems for other offices (e.g., President), never votes to confirm anti-gun nominations for judiciary and enforcement positions (e.g., Sotomayor, Kagan, Holder), never votes for gun grabbers for leadership positions (e.g., Pelosi Galore, The Harry Reid), never votes for the cultural terraforming and takeover of the USA through over-immigration, invasion, occupation, de facto amnesty and de jure amnesty. 
4. The NRA passive-aggressively works for the permanent destruction of the Republican party, 2A and the USA in countless ways. For example, the NRA donates millions of dollars, alongside Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, to defeat true conservatives in the primaries and re-elect corrupt RINOs. For example, NRA donated hundreds of thousands defeating Chris McDaniel in Mississippi & re-electing corrupt RINO Thad Cochran, and trying to defeat Dave Brat & re-elect Cantor in Virginia. 
5. Bloomberg collaborator, Islamophile, open-immigration/amnesty subversive, Left-"Libertarian" phony tax reformer Grover Norquist is the darling of the NRA board of directors. 
6. The suicidal immigration policies passive-aggressive supported by the NRA and actively supported by Norquisling are in the process of causing irreversible cultural and political terraforming of the USA. Within 20 years the Dems will have permanent supermajority control of the federal government and a supermajority of the states. Enough to win every key legislative battle, nomination battle, judicial battle and enforcement battle. Enough to control all arms of government including executive, legislative, judiciary, police, "security", spy, and military. Enough to legally change the Constitution at will. So say goodbye to your guns, liberty, country, quality of life, culture, property, standard of living, etc.

Under False Pretenses

A pro-gun-control assemblyman has taken the unusual step of joining the National Rifle Association for what he says is a way to gather intel on how best to fight the powerful organization. [More]
Yeah, well, according to the Bylaws, which paid staff and directors ought to be held to, just like politicians and bureaucrats are ostensibly held to Constitutional adherence, that disqualifies him for membership.

Association Bylaws, Article III, Sec. 11, "Involuntary Termination of Membership and Disciplinary Proceedings" states in part: "Any individual or organization member may be suspended or expelled for good cause, including, but not limited to, any conduct which is contrary to, or in violation of the Bylaws of the Association."

Mosley's public anti-gun advocacy is in direct conflict with Article II, Purposes and Objectives, section 1: "To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;"

Additionally, Article III, "Membership," section 1., "Eligibility," requires that the member "subscribes to the objectives and purposes of the Association."

Boot his subversive @$$. And keep the "$35." Assuming this isn't all just an attention-seeking a lie, and sloppy "journalism" not to have noted the discrepancy between claim and reality, assuming this Lovett character isn't in on a scam.

[Via Steve T

There's Something About Lauren

A young woman at a campaign event in New Hampshire — self-righteous, hands on hips, a-quiver with indignation — popped up to declare, “I don’t think you’re a friend to women.” ... Turns out that the woman, identified as Lauren Batchelder, 18, is a college volunteer for the fading candidacy of Jeb Bush. [More]
That in turn makes it fair to ask why a political activist who proudly includes a "community service award" from Barack Obama in her profile, and who lists Planned Parenthood as one of the organizations she supports, would be a volunteer for "the most pro-life governor in modern times"?

That tells me there's something about Jeb.

Take Your Shoes Off. Set a Spell.

Y'all come back now, hear? [More]

Is anyone actually dumb enough to fall for this?

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

“How do we protect ourselves against crime?” asked one resident. [More]
Don't worry-- the new order will take care of that -- right after they redefine what are considered crimes.

Europe is like a canary in a coal mine. The question is, will the collapse happen in time to awaken a critical mass here, or is holding out any hope of reversal just an exercise in denial?

Liars and Beasts

He says: “Lying for a living, that’s what acting is. All I’ve done is learned how to be aware of the process. All of you are actors. And good actors because you’re all liars. [More]
Gosh, if we can't let our opinions on the issues of the day be kneejerk swayed by those of our favorite celebrities, whose can we trust?

I used to have a VHS tape labeled "Marlon 'n Me," from when his screwed-up kid was on trial in Santa Monica for murdering his screwed-up sister's screwed-up boyfriend, and he showed up to plead for mercy, probably because he felt guilty for being a screwed-up father. I was on jury duty that day, and was standing right behind him when he gave an impromptu press conference, and my buddy called me up that evening and said "You're on Channel 9."

That same day, I saw the guy who played Bobby on "Taxi," who was at the courthouse over his continued criminal abuse of drugs, from before he blew every advantage given to him by his show business lottery win and OD'd. Plus I saw the guy who would be OJ's lawyer, not Kardashian, the other guy, Shapiro, just radiating an expensive tailored suit, shoes and hairstyle.

Anyway, if you want to see celebrities up close and personal, forget wearing your tight sweater to Schwab's Pharmacy and hoping to be discovered -- the "in" places to meet the beautiful people are where they go for sentencing, and of course, rehab.

In the words of the "immortal" love goddess who apparently killed herself because she was incapable of giving or receiving love, "That's the last..."

And that's why the opinions of stage props mean so much to me.

This is a Job for Smart Guns!

Wasn't that the pretense for the push to develop them in the first place? Police "takeaway" incidents...? [More]

So in typical "progressive" Opposite Day fashion, guess who the "Only Ones" exempted from edicts enacted to date are.

From the "No One Wants to Take Your Guns" Department

Obama’s legacy on guns should be to ban them [More]
And to have his enforcers shoot anyone who won't surrender them...

[Via SSI]