Saturday, January 23, 2016

Breaking: Large Fed Presence IVO Malheur

SIZE: 200+ Fed vehicles, 400-500 agents/LEOs, mostly tac guys  [More]
WRSA has some intel passed on from a reported on-scene source, who I'm told is deemed reliable. It does seem consistent with other chatter I'm hearing.

As we've seen throughout, there's no shortage of bad assumptions and outright disinfo obfuscating things, including from some assumed to be friendlies, so always bear that in mind. Unfortunately, the alternative is to not say anything until it's too late.

I'm just hoping no one passes off my symbolic Fauxtoshop as real.

UPDATE: Oath Keepers posts more details.


  1. Looks like the Federal Government is getting ready to kill citizens again.

  2. Ruby Ridge, Waco, why not?

  3. I follow some of WRSA's links on this, and mostly what I see in comments in people calling for the government to shoot and burn out the people involved. The propaganda war seems to be winning. That, plus Prozis are showing what they really want - the violent suppression by men with gun and drones of anyone who threatens the emperor with no clothes.

    Scary. Looks like it may end badly.

  4. So lets see.. We have a "patriot group" made up of armed convicted felons and cowboys that KNOWINGLY move across a state line to KNOWINGLY commit federal felony crimes 800 miles from home. In the back yard of people that DON'T want them there. They steal, get drunk, and threaten violence to the same community that has already asked them to LEAVE. In 1880 they called them the "James Gang" and shot them like rats. Those of you who support this are idiots that are harming the cause of liberty and gun rights in ways that we may never recover from.

  5. There is more to this than "grazing rights" it is the Clinton Crime Foundation that is behind it

  6. More info....

  7. I'd say a fair reading of posts I've made throughout this unfolding story show they are less about supporting the takeover group at Malheur and more about calling for a comprehensive and honest review of the Constitutional issues involved, and a caution against the federal response being one of lethal brutality.

  8. From what I have been reading I agree.


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