Monday, January 25, 2016

It's Not Just the Second Amendment

Jackson City Councilman Kenneth Stokes is asking for a federal investigation into a sign posted by a gun store owner ... “If this gun dealer feels that it’s legal for him to display negative images of the president of the United States, keep in mind that he must have some kind of license,” Stokes said. “We’re asking the attorney general of the United States to do an investigation and let’s see whether the rules and regulations have been violated.” [More]
What a moron. These fascist thugs don't like the First Amendment, either.

And why did the gun store owner post the sign?

More Kenneth Stokes comedy gold...

Time to Streisand Effect this fool:

That and add a dash of Alinsky Rule 5.


  1. I saw a sign that said "I never saw a Democrat that didn't like a Communist". Stoke can complain about that one too.

  2. Soo...
    What's next? A licence to put a "conservative" bumper sticker on one's car??
    It will probably have a "tax" stamp on it too........
    Roger V. Tranfaglia


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