Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Pacific Patriots Network – Official Statement for Immediate Release

It has come to the attention of PPN that many individuals are responding to this news as a ‘Call to Action’. The Pacific Patriots Network is issuing an immediate “STAND BY” Order to all those who are mobilizing to the peaceful city of Burns, Oregon. We will not pursue any action until all of the facts have been pieced together regarding the traffic stop and the arrest of Ammon Bundy. During this time, cooler heads must prevail. We do not wish to inflame the current situation and will engage in open dialogue until all of the facts have been gathered. [More]
In other words, they don't need this guy showing up.


  1. As far as I am concerned, PPN and the OK has been found lacking. Nothing more than a PR campaign. The gov fired over a hundred rounds during the takedown. A good man dead. Toothless tiger at best, gov controlled opposition at worse. The man was denied his Constitutional rights. Just what is OK and PPN doing? Not much that I can see. So who needs them?

  2. What should they have done? What have you done?

  3. "What have you done?"

    Worked for the Constitutional Party when able (not always on the ballot)or the Libertarian Party for twenty years. Trained (formal school-12 weeks training) as a LEO and worked as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff for my county starting in 1982 til I had health problems and forced to stop. Taught a number of nurses how to shoot and assisted them in firearms purchase and NEVER said a word when they carried in their car- when the state law forbade it. Life NRA member and local gun club member, volunteered my time a lot over the years. Again taught many how to shoot and encouraged many to CCW. My Sheriff was a very strong supporter of the Constitution and I supported him for elections for years. Now I am pretty done for, I have severe heart disease. I still am prepared, I have taught my wife and children to live that way and they do it quite well if I do say so my self.

    "What should they have done?"

    If the OK group are truly a national group, they start by fixing the errors the Bundy group made. First, take it out of that county and make it nation wide. Call up members and have them at every fed office. Not protesting, just standing there and letting them know they are known. Just watching. Say nothing, just stand and watch. Make the feds nervous. Force the lame stream media's hand by having 40 or 50 members show up at political rallies both Dem and RINO. The last thing a pol-i-snake wants is bad news while out begging. Pressure them and make them have to answer the situation- making more sheeple aware of what is going on. I am not keen on the situation in Harney County, but I certainly think OK could have done a better job of pressuring the feds from the use of force. The feds should have been told from the start, no killings, or its on. If that message had made to the political class, they would reel in Obozo, because who wants a mess during the elections? If the threat was big enough (nationally), perhaps they would have waited them out like the Montana situation. I do not have specific ideas about the local Harney County situation as I was not there to see the situation and I don't know if the Bundy's would be receptive to my ideas of taking it nationally. However, I don't feel like much was done and the talk after just cements my thoughts that the OK group is not what we need. Respectfully, NOG


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