Friday, January 08, 2016

Perimeter Watch

We wish to establish a safety perimeter of protection for the occupiers so as to prevent a Waco-style situation from unfolding during this peaceful occupation. The primary intention of this outer-ring is to bear witness to any aggressive action initiated by federal agencies or the occupiers, and to encourage an open dialogue towards a peaceful resolution.  [More]
This could complicate an aggressive response if done as stated.


  1. Some folks would dearly love to help common folks against the Leviathan, even if they cant physically make the trip. Others would send a few bucks of support, but they have heard the horror stories of how the post office monitors mail and records return addresses, things like that, and let it go out of fear of a 'supporting' charge or other repercussions.

    Think about this.... The Bundy's and The Oregon and Idaho 3% groups are out in front of us all, and they are making a stand for the Constitution. They all have families, jobs and other places they had rather be.

    Each of them are paying their own personal gas money, food and expenses to do this. Most of us live too far away or are too chickenshit to physically go. Besides, we may get on some list, LOL.

    Well, here's an idea for you...

    There are many liberals, Newspapers, reporters and FED jerks all over the place. Probably 1000's in your area.

    Lets suppose you could spare $20 to buy snacks or whatever for the Malheur protestors and the 3%'ers helping them.

    1) Get 4 $5 bills and place them in 4 envelopes. Address them to one of the donation addresses below.

    2) On each envelope, for the RETURN address, pick 4 of the most liberal jerks in town. Even FBI offices, Your local fishwrapper address, planned parenthood offices, a Black lives matter POB,
    or the campaign headquarters of the local jerk runing for office. Use your imagination.

    3) Drop the envelopes into a local public mail receptacle.

    If, indeed the Leviathan scans the envelope when it arrives at the destination, there will be lots of questions raised, but not about you. Imagine envelopes arriving from all over CONUS. If nothing else it will get their attention.

    Here's where to send them

    Locals Bring Supplies to Support Militia

    We have had many people ask where they can donate and/or send food and supplies for the Patriots in Oregon.

    *We are not asking for donations we are just giving the info to those of you that have been asking.


    Food and supplies can be sent to:
    36391 Sodhouse Lane
    Princeton, Ore 97721
    C/o shawna Cox


    Financial donations can be sent to:
    Lisa Bundy
    P.O. Box 1072
    Emmett, ID 83617
    Donate online using this link.

  2. Steve Ramsey1/11/2016 1:00 AM

    I can imagine that if the feds wanted to, they could simply declare the entire operation a police line, ask these guys to leave, and the tell them they must.

    Or face some concocted penalty they could probably make stick in front of a federal judge.

    The question is, 'then what?'.

    So this doesn't change much as far as I can see.


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