Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The Voter Watchlist

Regulars here know about my little truism.

Let's adopt the "logic" of the left for a moment and come up with a corollary:

Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted to vote.

And as long as "progressives" are on a roll, why not extend the voting ban it to all those on the secret "terror watchlist"?

Shouldn’t we demand "rigorous security screening"?

My God, do we want criminals and terrorists deciding our elections? I guess that's the wrong question to ask those who depend on them (along with the dead).

No, of course they wouldn't go for it. But why not ask it loudly anyway?

[Via Laocoön]

1 comment:

  1. My God, do we want criminals and terrorists serving on juries?

    Don't forget that.


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