Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Counter Intelligence

The guy ponders for 20 minutes, musing about the danger of nighttime intruders entering his house from an adjacent golf course, and then buys one. [More]
Right, like that's the only possible way he could ever be in danger, right, smart @$$ Bloomberg lickspittle?

There's an old legend that a vampire can't cross your threshold unless you invite him in. I don't why a gun store wouldn't tell a Bloomberg reporter to get lost. Are they really that oblivious that they think the guy isn't looking to do a hit piece?

And then there's this:
Like many FFL holders, Hopkins would have no objection to universal background checks for all gun transfers. 
Anyone in the business who's not leading in the fight against universal registration, especially now in the time of great need, and actually telling that to a Bloomberg reporter, deserves to have his business go belly-up as far as I'm concerned. And the FFLs who look forward to it as a new business opportunity are no better than damn kapos.

I've told the Nevada folks they ought to have a list of who in the business isn't helping.  I don't see them taking off the gloves though, and that's a shame, because this bar fight calls for swinging chairs and breaking bottles.

[Via Publicola]

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