Thursday, February 25, 2016

Going In for an Oil Change

Mike's gonna be in the shop on Friday until...? [More]

As I've urged before at such times, go easy on the emails and comments. Every time he has to stop what he;s doing to address your concerns, he's not addressing his, plus, none of us know what he's got to slog through to make it happen.

Everybody here has helped out, right?

Tell me you're not just ignoring it. Tell me you're worth the value he has given you.


  1. David, if you and he have not done so yet, you might want to talk to Mike about who will take the helm at Sipsey Street when Mike goes to his reward. That is for Mike to say, but somebody should have the keys. I've read Mike saying something about a group that will take an archive of the blog, but it might also be good for a trusted someone (you, David?) to have the ability to lock comments, approve final comments, etc.

    Just a suggestion from a long-time follower of both you and Mike.

  2. Sipsey is Mike's journal. Without Mike it's not Sipsey. Anyone can be an aggregator. Only Mike can say what he wants to say about things. No one can take the helm of that, nor would I accept anyone trying.

    And I don't even have time for my own priorities.

  3. I sent a money order $100.00 payable to Mike or Rosey.

    Hope they got it, don't want to bug him by asking.


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