Friday, February 26, 2016

The WMD Loophole!

The Barrett .50 caliber rifle is a powerful gun. Originally designed for military use, its rounds can “penetrate light armor, down helicopters, destroy commercial aircraft, and blast through rail cars,” according to a report from the Violence Policy Center, a gun safety group. [More]
OK, you can stop right there. Shoots down aircraft. "Gun safety group."

Oh, wait a minute...this is by Christopher Ingraham of The Washington Post.

That explains it.

1 comment:

  1. Posted in response in Washington Post:

    "The public is generally uncomfortable with the widespread availability of these guns."


    Buy a gun - or don't buy a gun - either way, all of us have the right! What should be making everyone uncomfortable, after recognizing the history of atrocities and the millions of deaths perpetrated upon citizens by governments in the last century, and the second amendment being in place to maintain a BALANCE OF POWER to ensure that Americans never suffer such a demise, and the overwhelming growth of government power in weaponry and expanding a fifth branch of the military creating a standing federal army within our borders (DHS) directly conflicting with Posse Comitatus, and all the while, with the "balance of power" so drastically tipped to government power where it had never been so drastic, ALL WE HEAR ABOUT IS FURTHER DISARMING AMERICAN CITIZENS, FROM OUR GOVERNMENT, AND THE MEDIA. I am not concerned that citizens can own a .50 caliber rifle - I found it VERY ALARMING when I saw armored vehicles outside citizens homes in Watertown with their .50 caliber guns pointed at homes as entry teams banged on doors and forced American citizens out of their homes at gunpoint while searching for one 17 year old Muslim kid. All American citizens were considered suspected terrorist harboring sympathizers and their lives were endangered at gunpoint. Yes, when someone points a gun at you, your life is in danger. When a government enforcer points a gun at you - they are NOT keeping you safe - they are keeping THEMSELVES AND THEIR FELLOW ENFORCERS SAFE - while putting YOUR life in danger at the point of a gun! I'm more comfortable as part of a strong armed citizenry, and the most important fight of our times is keeping it so! Against all of the same government and media pushed propaganda, used to disarm many a"people" in the last century that caused countless horrific deaths.


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