Tuesday, February 16, 2016

There Are None So Blind

Unless he behaves in a way that actively endangers others or hurts someone through negligence, keeping and bearing shouldn't be an issue.  [More]

If he injures or kills someone, the impairment shouldn't be an excuse.

1 comment:

  1. "It is unclear how many legally blind Georgians have a license to carry. Georgia keeps all license to carry information secret."

    As it should be. We went through this bullshit about a year ago here in Iowa. To hear the liberal tell it, the world was going to end. They kept saying that if he can't drive, he shouldn't own a gun. It was brought up that gun ownership is a Constitutionally protected right and driving a car was not.

    I don't have perfect vision either, so when will they demand that I'm disarmed because I wear tri-focals?


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