Thursday, March 17, 2016

College Debate Team Argues Whites Should Die

“There is no ethical reason white people deserve to live." [More]
Kind'a makes you want to renounce gun ownership and turn 'em all in, doesn't it?


  1. I have debated this "poor me" krap many times. These kids are uneducated in reality. I point out that POYUS Jefferson fought two wars against the (Muslim) Barbary Pirates, who had captured and enslaved over 1.2 M whites & Christians in the 18th & 19th Century. That at one point, 50% of the population of Ireland was sold into Slavery. In 1830, America has over 30,000 white Irish Slaves. That 100's of Blacks owned Slaves too. Further, following immigration records, by far, did I say by far by far, the White population of America today is comprised of those who's ancestors immigrated to America after 1865 (Slavery was over). Also that according to immigration, most 2016 Blacks in America came here well after Slavery ended. So I ask, why is it of all the races, cultures, ethnic groups across the history of the world, in 2016 it is only Black Americans still crying poor me, it is someone else's fault? Why is that? You look at the very successful Blacks, the smart Blacks, the talented Blacks, the skilled Blacks and you discover that it was they themselves who did the work to get there. Yet, Billions upon Billions of dollars have been given to the American Black culture, shelter, food, healthcare, grants, scholarships, Affirmative Actions, etc... Yet these very Black Activists crying "poor me" call successful hard working Blacks Oreo's, Uncle Tom's, etc. What's up with that? At any rate, I have yet to get a Black "poor me" activist respond explaining why every White Culture Enslaved has long ago grown out of crying about it. Every time I see an article like this one, I just shake my head.

  2. No gratitude for civilization, or free speech.


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