Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Moneyed #GunsOut Selfie Campaign Relies on Ridiculous Emotion and Ignorance

Supporters are urged to take “selfies” while flexing their biceps and to tweet them to their followers using a #GunsOut hashtag. [More]
Just when you thought the gun-grabbers couldn't get any more ludicrous...


  1. I feel terrible. This was my 1st thought ...

  2. *As I recall* (CAVEAT: and haven't done the verification research to back up), in the original storyboards, Indiana Jones had a mustache because Tom Selleck was intended to play the role, and that scene was originally written as a fight between a master of the sword and a master of the whip. Selleck had to give up the project because of his Magnum commitment.

    During actual filming,things just weren't working and after several unsatisfactory takes, an exasperated Ford suggested he had a gun, why didn't he just shoot the SOB?

    Spielberg had a light go on and agreed,and the shooting scene is what stuck.

    I also believe the Thuggee swordsman was the same actor who played the German soldier who ended up having his face shredded by the airplane propeller during the bare knuckle brawl with Indy.

    Someone who has more info, please check me on all of this-- these memories go back decades, and we all know how unreliable those can be.

  3. Everyone must participate in the "latest social media craze". Remember those buckets of cold water?

    People participate not because they necessarily support the issue but because they fear being left out of the "cook kids" party..

    Mass manipulation of the populace continues... they are "trained monkeys".


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