Thursday, March 31, 2016

No Justice, No Peace?


Background info. And more. And more. This isn't just some random guy -- this one addressed the UN in Geneva.

This is incredibly dangerous -- imagine what will happen in the cities if and when some "unarmed social justice demonstrators" are martyred. Now imagine what the government will be able to convince a frightened and unprepared public into accepting in the name of 'public safety" and "security."

[Via Florida Guy]   


  1. If they come out into rural areas they might be advised to bring their own body bags. Not a threat, but perhaps good advice.

    Some county folks believe in the Three S rule, shoot, shovel, shut up.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! So what! About six months ago they had a "shootout" in the Louisville Ky. "West end" "hood" that had an estimated 1000 rounds fired with NO HUMAN HIT. I know that if they come out of "da hood" and try this in any of the 97% white districts of the "east end" they will need front end loaders and dump trucks to move the dead hood rats. Unless they are protected by federal troops and supported by federal welfare the African communist has no chance of survival. So! Come on down! We have guns ,quick lime, and back hoes.

  3. I despise what this country has become.

  4. He addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva...wait...let me guess - the countries on it include Iran, Cuba and North Korea. doesn't have Iran and North Korea at the moment but does include that paragon of freedom /sarc, Castro's Cuba. One out of three isn't bad. In addition, it includes Venezuela, where freedom of speech and toilet paper are both impossible to find.


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