Monday, April 04, 2016

A Friendly Warning

Use the internet safely -- or else.

If you're on Twitter, feel free to join WRSA in calling them "bloody wankers." Because the Number One criterion of being "true" is more than met.


  1. "N - Is it necessary?"

    That can be a purely subjective judgement, as what is necessary, or not, may not be mutually agreeable to all.

    And some wonder why the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution has that "freedom of speech" thing, as if it were not necessary.

  2. Ed, the warning was from the police in Glasgow, Scotland.

    I had a friend who retired from the Strathclyde (Greater Glasgow area) Police some years back. On the page which issued the warning, I told them one of their number had been one of the finest men I've ever known, and that it had been an honor and a privilege to know him. If they are British police officers who wear ballistic vests, they have Jimmy McNulty to thank for that.

    I then told them he'd be appalled at their "warning" and to ask themselves if Jimmy McNulty would have done such a thing. I don't think he would have done.


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