Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Once Upon a Time...

And they lived pappily ever after...?
Disney used to be a company that celebrated more traditional values, back before they became leading agents of citizen disarmament and other "progressive" agenda goals.

Their ABC network has a show titled "Once Upon a Time," populated by fairy tale characters as diverse as Rumpelstiltskin, Captain Hook, Snow White, and Pinocchio (and a female lead referred to as "the Savior"), having adventures in places like Neverland, Wonderland, Oz, and, unsurprisingly, hell (or at least Hades' underworld), where consorting with the dead is a way of... uh... life.  I mention diversity because Mulan apparently had the hots for Sleeping Beauty (but didn't tell her in time before the prince kissed her awake and they went off to live hetero ever after), and Little Red Riding Hood, who is a werewolf, has recently coupled in "true love" with Dorothy.

You know, kids' fare. So our little princes and princesses can grow up to be just like Miley Cyrus or something.

Sorry, but when Red goes down -- on all fours, I mean -- who but an intolerant, hateful specist would not celebrate the "Beauty and the Beast" potentials? Heck, my first thought, on hearing the damsel in distress was Dorothy, was "Toto too?"

I bring this all up because of the brouhaha the Bradys are trying to create with ignorant "PSAs" killing off popular storybook characters due to "lax gun laws." That appears to be a reaction to "NRA Family" featuring fairy tale favorites saving the day with DGUs.

It's "funny" that one "reimagining" brings "progressive"condemnation, but if you dare to raise an eyebrow at their version, prepare to be included on SPLC's "Hate Watch."

"Live and let live" is no longer enough.  And yes, it's in your face now, and they do intend to ram it down your throat.


  1. Today's Disney, the company, is unrecognizable from the one Walt headed. Want a healthy dose of healthy values? Kick back and watch a few Disney classics like Swiss Family Robinson, Davy Crockett, or Johnny Tremain.

    Remember how Tremain wanted his crippled hand restored so he could handle a musket in the coming revolution?

  2. Hey, I'm living the dream. Personally, I can't wait for next season's arc where Dorothy discovers that Red Riding Hood is being unfaithful to her with... Toto!

    Come on, you know it's coming. It's a classic scene: "My wife! My bed! And Man's Best Friend!" After all, Red is just a wolf trapped in a woman's body, and it's her right to decide what species' rest room she's going to use, among other choices.

    It's going to be a big Disney teaching moment, as thousands of tikes pipe up, "Mommy, what does doggy style mean?" It's an education they couldn't get from even the most upscale neighborhood pedo... and America will owe it all to our "Funny Uncle" Walt.

    "When you wish upon a starrrrrr.... Makes no difference what you are......"


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