Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sure, Democrats Have Blacks and Hispanics, But We Have a Shot at Uber Drivers and Vapers!

Grover Norquist proves how delusional and deceptive his arguments are. [More]

Whether this imaginary "coalition" proves resentful enough to make a difference in November or not isn't even the point -- the "pathway to citizenship" he and Bloomberg and the cheap labor ΓΌber alles Republicans are paving and adding speed lanes to will more than take care of elections after that.

WarOnGuns correspondent Carlos Perdue has posted two highly relevant comments so far  -- and since I can't seem to make individual comment links work, I'm going to copy and paste them here:

Carlos Perdue
4/9/2016 8:14 PM EDT
Groveler al Nor'Qu'ist's Saudi pals are the ones directly responsible for the destruction of all those jobs in America's oil shale drilling patch.


Carlos Perdue
4/9/2016 7:13 PM EDT [Edited]
OMG. More delusional, deceptive nonsense from Bloomberg collaborator and islamophile quisling, Grover al Nor'Qu'ist (proper Arabic spelling of Norquist; please be sensitive). 

Bloomberg and his gun-grabbing billionaire pals don't spend hundreds of millions of dollars for amnesty and open immigration to ensure "cheap labor" for Bloomberg's news operation. He's doing it to lock down his long-term gun ban strategy: The permanent cultural and political terraforming of the USA.  

Grover al Nor'Qu'ist openly collaborates with Bloomberg's strategy to overrun our country and overwhelm the relatively conservative native-born citizenry's voting control with fast-breeding legal and illegal immigrants and their offspring, who will continue to lean overwhelmingly Democrat and anti-gun as they have increasingly since "Republicans" went along with Kennedy's 1965 Trojan Horse Immigration Act, since Reagan's and subsequent de facto and de jure amnesties, and since the gross dereliction and subversion by every president after Eisenhower of our most critical national defenses -- our own borders and immigration controls. 

Unless the invasion-occupation-takeover of the USA is halted and reversed, anchor baby citizenship for the children of non-citizens abolished, and legal immigration slashed back to the kind of pleasant, beneficial, non-suicidal trickle we enjoyed from the 1920s under Coolidge through the 1950s under Eisenhower, then within 20 years thanks to the immigration Nor'Qu'islings, the Democrats will have permanent supermajority control of all branches of both the federal government and a supermajority of the states. 

The vast majority of U.S. population growth since 1965 is due to government-sponsored over-immigration and invasion-occupation. The interest groups al Nor'Qu'ist cites are not in the same order of magnitude and will not even vaguely make up for the damage done by al Nor'Qu'ist's subversive immigration policies.

1 comment:

  1. Decadent western civilization is being kept alive by the artificial support of debt, borrowing etc.

    During the decline it is inevitable that more "vigourous" cultures will infiltrate, eat out its remaining wealth and seek to become dominant.

    Ma Duce


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