Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Gun-Grabby Gabby and Mark Traveling Road Show

Giffords gun control group focuses on NH in launching push to close ‘terror gap’: Poll for Americans for Responsible Solutions shows 77 percent of Granite Staters support closing loophole [More]
Hey, this is the same cheesy act they just did in Nevada...


  1. Very interesting. A link on the WMUR page about the 'terror gap loophole' is to a story about a Keene State student named Jok Leek who stabbed another student. The student charged in the stabbing looks remarkably like a Somali immigrant.

    I wonder if Gabby has any responsible solutions for knife violence committed by recent Muslim immigrants, or if that subject isn't really on her radar.

  2. And, and, and they can buy gasoline too! What is to keep them from doing something dangerous with that?

    And they can drive a big vehicle! What is to keep them from driving that big vehicle into a school bus or a school yard full of children?

    And they can buy tools at the local hardware store! What is to keep them from harming someone with those tools?

    Who do these people think they are? Free men and women? Well, yes.


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