Wednesday, May 25, 2016

And Another One Bites the Dust

My articles continue to be removed from the Google News feed. Removed as in they were originally there and either an algorithm or a person decided to take them down.

The Monday story about the Third Circuit affirming the district court in the Watson machine gun case was posted in the news feed within moments of being published and remained there through yesterday.  Today it is gone.

This was the handicap we operated under all through Fast and Furious. If it doesn't come from the "Authorized Journalists," the system is rigged to keep original investigative reporting and analysis contained.

Just to reiterate, as the dilemma seemed to cause some confusion last post:  Yes, I know it still appears on Google.  I'm talking about the "News" category marked by a tab. That's the place stories recognized as newsworthy are aggregated, providing a distinct advantage in terms of being noticed and picked up by other outlets and people looking for media sources as opposed to sources that don't meet the content guideline and authorship criteria.


  1. David, you might be interested to know of a message I sent to Judicial Watch today after reading their press release about newly released ATF documents as a result of JW's FOIA request.

    I used their contact facility to send this message:

    I was glad to see that your FOIA request resulted in ATF releasing more information about their unconscionable supplying of arms to Mexican drug cartels in the program generally referred to as Fast & Furious.

    I have a request, and to accede to it will be easy and, I hope you agree, the right thing to do. There were a handful of ATF whistleblowers and two "citizen journalists" who were utterly tireless who are almost solely responsible for this story to get out into the world at all: Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars, and David Codrea of The War on Guns (and other sites). I ask you to do this simple thing: at the end of each press release or article about F&F, add this sentence (or something equivalent):

    Judicial Watch wishes to acknowledge and thank Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea for their lonely but successful efforts in helping ATF whistleblowers bring the ugly details of the Fast and Furious program to light.

    These fine people have not received enough recognition.

    Thanks for your consideration,
    George Alan Esworthy
    Venice, FL


  2. Well thank you for that. I'll be sure and let Mike know about this.

  3. Your Watson article is currently the 2nd item on the Yahoo News tab in a search for
    Ryan S. Watson machine gun suit.

  4. Just tried it and don't see it.


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