Tuesday, May 03, 2016

CTA Coed Attack Illustrates Consequences of Anti-Gun Attitudes, Policies and Laws

And what about the guys who stood by while Hughes was being pummeled?  Assuming they’re not “safe space” special snowflakes confused about which restroom best fits their self-identity?  Should they have sprung into action? Would you have? [More]
You can’t depend on the kindness of strangers.


  1. Animals. That is how best to describe these assailants. And it is inexcusable that the two men did not come to the aid of this helpless woman.

    Firearms, of course, are prohibited:


  2. It may sound cold, but I'd make the Bernie Goetz decision:
    If they do that to me, they'll get a high speed infusion of Federal HST.

    If they do it to somebody else, well, lack of preparation on her part does not denote an emergency on my part. I refuse to go to prison for years and lose my rights for life simply because I was prepared to defend her and she chose to not be prepared. Better for her to take a beating than for my life as I know it to end.


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