Friday, May 06, 2016

What's the Big Deal?

This is my response to a Facebook comment poster about yesterday's AmmoLand article. The person pretty much dismissed the proposed SSA rule as something to worry about:

If I may:  What you describe is not the due process we extend to -- and properly require for -- criminal suspects. Plus it takes inputs from varied sources with different thresholds, and there is literally nothing to stop them from expanding those -- except for us Liberty advocates. And if you're going to stop me from buying a gun via NICS, doesn't it just make "commonsense gun safety" to use that as "justification" to confiscate what I already possess? Like they're doing in California?

Nor do you address the very real and documented "professional" biases I cited, the unAmerican default presumption of guilt instead of innocence, or placing the burden of proof on someone who may not have the wherewithal and resources to petition for redress. They've done the same thing to veterans.  This is classic "divide and conquer" by isolating groups. Now seems as good a time as any to suggest Googling "Martin Niemöller."

This may seem a minor objective to you, but it would not if you or someone you loved were the one being denied full due process. As for having bigger fish to fry, we're all capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.  Registering your objection in comments and encouraging others to do so will take about the same amount of time it took to compose and post your comment.

And then of course, there's "shall not be infringed." And anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian.

We do not give these usurpers one inch toward their end goal, at least I won't. We make them fight for everything and thwart them at every opportunity.  They get no "gimmes." Because every beachhead you cede to them is one less pocket of resistance they need to worry about, and allows them a foothold from which to launch their next incursion, maybe into something you do care about enough to fight.

I urge everyone here to do two things right now, exactly what I asked for in the article -- share the information with your gun owner friends and encourage them to join you in leaving a comment at:!docketDetail;D=SSA-2016-0011

At this writing, there are only a few dozen comments. Everyone here should find that unacceptable.


  1. 41 comments now. Thanks for posting the link.

  2. The gun rights community ought to be familiar with the ADA.

    That would help; at least it would be a start.

  3. Comments are being made,I think part of it is the fact the takes a while,sometimes an entire day or more to post comments.

  4. Missed the AmmoLand article. Done now.


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