Thursday, June 16, 2016

Decoding Andrew Rosenthal

Opposite Day "progressive" smear artist Andrew Rosenthal from The New York Times goes after The Donald for speaking in ways not acceptable to the cultural terraformers, and  presumes himself to be our Trump/English translator. I guess plain speaking and short, direct sentences need to be dissected and explained by our urbane betters, kind of like the Second Amendment. This oughtta be rich. [More]
Let’s be absolutely clear. This is not just about bigotry. The mass arrest and forced movement of large populations has been an instrument of genocide throughout history. That is how the Turks committed genocide against Armenians in the early 20th century, how the United States government decimated some Native American tribes and how Stalin killed millions of his own citizens.
Really? How did they do that?

You know, by doing this first:
Clinton did not mention the simple fact that if we stopped selling guns today, there would still be too many. The only real solution is to reduce the number of weapons in circulation, but no politician, including Clinton, wants to talk about that.
That means we have to keep the goal of confiscation under the table -- for now.

And if you worry about that, or even mention it, you're paranoid. Just ask Andrew Rosenthal:
...nobody is talking about repealing the Second Amendment or taking guns away from ordinary Americans
Hey, I think I've broken the code...

1 comment:

  1. As dishonest as she is, even a congenital liar like Hillary Clinton cannot bring herself to even so much as merely mouth the slightest bit of support for the Second Amendment, and that as she faces a general election in the USA.
    Her animosity towards gun rights will be unbounded should she be elected.


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