Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Facebook Censorship Closes Off Information Ignored By Gatekeeper Media

A post had been removed from the Oath Keepers’ Facebook page because of a “community standards” violation. And what was the offense against “community standards”? A poster that makes a true (and importantly, demonstrable) statement about the nexus between citizen disarmament and genocide...[More]
Snitch-driven Facebook censors nexus between citizen disarmament and genocide. By closing off social media to such gun rights advocacy, mass audiences and readerships are limited to what establishment media wants them to know and think.


  1. FaceBook Is The Devil.

    My son told me so, and I have since learned that he was not being facetious, as I had at first though.

    Social Media has their little rules, and if you expect them to be "Liberal" in the obvious sense (universally accepting), you soon discover that they are "Liberal" in the alternative sense (mean-spirited, judgemental and disinclined to accept opinions which are not in accord to theirs).

    These are the people who keep electing our National Leaders. Which explains .. well, quite a lot, really.

  2. Statist (Zuckerberg and Obama) response to the above meme-

    "Why NOT gun control?
    And boxcars are so 1940's. We now have luxurious G4S vans to get you to your new accommodations, thoughtfully provided by your friends at FEMA. Enjoy your visit."

    To which all the Bernie Sanders supporters say "Cool! Free rides!"

  3. “If a few hundred Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto could hold off the
    Wehrmacht for almost a month with only a handful of weapons, six millions Jews
    armed with rifles could not so easily have been herded into cattle cars.”

    Silveira v Lockyer, (9th Cir. 2003) (Kozinski, J. dissenting.)


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