Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Somebody Needs to Slap This Guy's Campaign Manager


NRA, if you do anything to give him a green light on this, we will find out. So far, it looks like they're not going to looks like they're going to endorse delays...


  1. This was posted many hours ago:

    Anyone on a terror watchlist who tries to buy a gun should be thoroughly investigated by the FBI and the sale delayed while the investigation is ongoing. If an investigation uncovers evidence of terrorist activity or involvement, the government should be allowed to immediately go to court, block the sale, and arrest the terrorist.

  2. Anyone who's on a terror watchlist should be sent back to Dirka Dirka Stan, and never mind this mincing words and dancing around the subject. If they know they're terrorists, why aren't they deporting them?

    The Kenyan has created this by importing hundreds of thousands of his co-religionists from backward, ultra-violent foreign countries. Of course they're attacking Americans now. It was predictable, and predicted. Didn't Leftist leading intellectual Noam Chomsky tell us once upon a time that intent can be inferred from predictable outcomes?

    He wants to bring in an invading army of foreign terrorists, then pretend to be shocked that they continue to engage in violence here, and use this as a pretext for suspending the Constitution.


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