Monday, June 27, 2016

Soylent Green is People!

With the abject failure of Britain’s youth to rise to the democratic challenge (ie, to pull their fingers out in time to register to vote), I am advocating a total ban on anyone of retirement age voting in the EU referendum as the only effective way stopping the Leave campaign. This idea hardened for me after a long conversation with my father, which included the words “conspiracy”, “the central powers” and “they hate us”. [More]
Age discrimination -- how very "progressive." Why not just cut to the chase and give them all a shot? Or better yet, put them on the renewal carousel?

Do you think George Chesterton understands what a monster he is?

[Via Mack H]


  1. EHEM.. Excuse me, but, George Chesterton is one sick fuck. And using his own father as ammunition for his statist views - wow. I wonder if Mom and Dad know that he thinks they should be expendable.

    Who does he think he is? Leader of Children of the Corn? Then he gets it, too. Just too stupid to understand.


  2. Typical progressive asshat. They can always be identified by their mantra: "Everything will be ok if you just listen to me and do what I say!" Denying others the right to vote is just a corollary of this. Progressives can't allow dissenting opinions or votes; they get in the way of people listening to progs and doing what progs tell them to do.

  3. Well, he has a point -- of sorts. As a retiree, his father likely no longer pays his own way as far as his tax burden (sic) is concerned, but maybe neither does George.

    The ultimate solution is to restrict the franchise only to those whose contribution (via taxes) exceeds what they receive via tax-funded benefits: no representation without taxation, a little twist on the old Revolutionary War mantra.

    That means that public school teachers can't vote (because their salaries are tax-funded), but private school teachers could. Policemen, firemen (except volunteers), and elected officials couldn't vote because they're paid from tax revenue.

    The kid who made your sandwich at Subway can vote, but the clerk who issued his driver's license -- uh-uh. Once we weed out all those who get something for nothing and only allow those who provide the 'something', we won't have to worry about the candidates or issues. It will all magically sort itself out. :-)


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