Friday, June 24, 2016

They're with Her

Without making any other value judgment and confining this strictly to probabilities, if these uprising fomenters win, so will Hillary. [More]

Their names will be remembered for that.

And if Trump wins, I expect his "Republican" opponents to be in the vanguard of those loudly fighting his every move. They'll be looking for any excuse to initiate impeachment proceedings, to prove themselves "right" and to reset things back to the Quigley paradigm.

1 comment:

  1. These delegates need to stop & check themselves. They are supposed to work for the people, not "the party" or the big donors. The people have voted. Not necessarily my 1st choice, but Trump won. Suck it up cupcakes or go to your safe spaces & have a tantrum. Who the fuck are these assholes to vote "their conscience" for some schmo that lost in the primary, & will absolutely lose in the general? Romney? No, choked in 2012. Kasich? Hell no, chokes on other things. Jeb? Hahahahahaha.


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