Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Harry Potter and the Half-Wit Professor

A new study to be published in a special 2016 election issue of PS: Political Science and Politics finds that reading Harry Potter books leads Americans to take a lower opinion of Donald Trump. In fact, the more books the participants read, the greater the effect. [More]
Great "original idea" there, Diana C. Mutz, Ph.D.

I don't suppose it could just signify those inclined to immerse themselves in Harry Potter are from a demographic statistically more inclined to trivia and fantasy? Or that the "Harry Potter effect" could just as easily be titled the "Khloe Kardashian vaginal oil effect"...?

Correlation does not imply causation. Leave it to a cloistered and tenured "political science professor" to count on a "progressive" academic establishment motivated  to indoctrinate its charges to believe otherwise.

The transparent agenda here is to make "Trump = Voldemort" a conditioned reaction among the useful idiots and useless eaters, and the Hillary-infatuated media is happy to spread that far and wide.

I see from her CV this ditzy broad has been on the receiving end of numerous government grants. As offensive as that is to me as a tax hostage, the real facepalmer is:
Department of Homeland Security grant for Survey Experiments Related to Terrorism, Disaster Preparedness, and Homeland Security. (with Matthew Davis), $186,100.
If Opposite Day results are achieved, she can always pretend her burqa is an invisibility cloak.

[Via Roger J]

1 comment:

  1. My kids and I are reading Harry Potter. It seems to me that it would be more likely to give readers a lower opinion of Hillary Clinton. The evil characters believe in the pure bloodlines of "old wizarding families", that those in power should remain in power, and that power is a worthy goal in and of itself.

    Y'know, like the Clinton Dynasty.

    Harry's the underdog. Yes, he's rich (thanks to all the bounties and rewards for defeating Voldemort, which were held in a vault for him), but having been raised by Muggles, he's an outsider. He has everything he needs to succeed in this new (to him) world, but he knows little-to-nothing about it.

    Y'know, like Donald Trump.

    And then there's Rita Skeeter, the sleazy reporter from the Daily Prophet who's ALWAYS looking for ways to make the good guys look bad, printing misquotes and out-of-context statements, sometimes even outright lies. Anything that will produce the desired response to the low-information readers.

    Y'know, like the mainstream media.

    So unless that "exercise" found a bunch of Gell-Mann Amnesia-affected people already inclined to dislike the "good guys", I don't see how anyone could come to the conclusion that reading Harry Potter lowers people's opinion of Donald Trump.

    Just my $0.02.


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