Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How Vanderboegh Profits from Cancer

Evidently Mike isn't dying fast enough to suit Kerodin. [More]

Still attacking a dying man.  Classy. And just nasty/ugly.

Kerodin's "Igor," the psychopath douche who trolls under the handle "Cav Med," and some other steaming stool sample signing as "Not an Imaginary Friend" are now insinuating this is all some grand scheme to solicit donations, and that rather than the medication regimen prolonging life and providing more periods of alertness, Mike (and I by default) must be scamming supporters  -- after all, he said he was going to be dead by now!

You can tell they're total cowards because they attack real people from the shadows while masking their own identities from even virtual repercussions, making it fair to wonder who they really are, who they really serve, and even, as has been suggested to me, if they're not just alter egos of convenience.

But, full confession: Mike may have been wrong with me about his prognosis, too. I spoke with him yesterday, and he pronounced it was going to be his last day of life based on how he felt. I haven't spoken with him today, but I haven't heard anything either. Somehow though, I don't think he was scamming me, especially since I went down to see him at the end of April and then interviewed him the first week in June, and saw his physical condition for myself. The screenshot I took for that should have been enough to shock his friends who haven't seen the disease progress.

Then again, maybe I'm part of the scam. Money, money, money! Mike's daughter took the above dated photos (I got the title of this post from the email subject) so everyone could see how well he's "faking" this to rake in all that loot from the suckers.  Man, is he showing you!

Were it solely up to me, I would not have highlighted this. But it was important to my friend, so I'm subordinating my own preferences and judgment to do this post for him.

What I did want to focus on -- and this actually occupied the bulk of our phone call -- was Mike's reminder that there are plenty of people out there calling themselves "Three Percenters' who really have no idea what the concept means beyond a vague notion of the estimated number of colonists who took up arms against the crown.

He wanted me to emphasize that you can't understand the true meaning of the Three Percent unless you embrace the catechism and heed the valediction.

And that's why Mike thought it important to once again call out the difference between true Three Percenters and those who have appropriated the name but not the principles. It's not a question of him fixating on those who pervert his legacy, it's his last act of love for his friends and followers. Don't misunderstand his motives here: He's doing what he can to his dying breath to make sure that legacy is not supplanted by a hollow imitation.

That unfortunately means we can't avoid looking at the character of Mike's detractors, bearing in mind Kurt Hofmann's maxim:
"I believe that being despised by the despicable is as good as being admired by the admirable."


  1. JohninMd.(Help!?!!)7/20/2016 2:16 PM

    Here, here. Dave, I thank you for being true to your friend, and our comrade, in the freedom struggle. It's really sucky that ass-hats like these cretins try to pervert the work of good men. Carry on, Brother.

  2. Scott Wilson7/20/2016 2:29 PM

    Some trolls require anonymity in order to keep breathing.

  3. William Flatt (Indiana Militia)7/20/2016 2:54 PM

    My God, Mike looks worse than I thought possible, and I've been following this. Thanks David for posting this. I'll pray more and leave this in God's capable Hands.

  4. Here's what being a III%er and a patriot means:

    “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

    Mike Vanderboegh's name belongs right alongside the signers of the document from whence I obtained this quote. I do not know nor do I wish to know the names of those who stand against him as I am not concerned with them or their feeble attempts to besmirch his name. All great men who have dedicated themselves to righteousness have been attacked by evil envious men who for the most part have been forgotten.

  5. Once again, thank you David. We should all be so fortunate to have friends the quality of you and Mike.

    Michael @ Horse-Tied Creek

  6. I've had loved ones pass from cancer. Some went quickly, shockingly, heartstoppingly fast. Others lingered, rallied, in and out of remission, but it seemed when the end finally came, it came quickly, too. The difference is in timing of diagnosis and type of cancer.

    My thoughts and prayers are with Mike and his loved ones at this time. And I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Not even Kerodin. Then again, you have to have a heart, soul and conscience to suffer the loss of a loved one. Over the last year, I've started doubting he has them.

  7. 2008 - 2010, I watched my Significant Other waste away from a vibrant, joyful woman to a person I didn't even recognize. Toward the end, she refused food. She lost half her body weight, all of her hair, and the sparkle in her eyes.

    Cancer is a vindictive master; it demands all that you have, and then takes whatever is left ... dignity, vibrancy, a sense of humor. There is nothing 'funny' about dying slowly, and knowing there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

    As a terminal cancer sufferer, you cannot walk without help. You need a potty-chair, because you cannot get to the bathroom to perform what few normal physical functions are needed (so why would you want food?) SHE spent the last six months of her life on her sofa, because she could not lie in bed without extreme discomfort.

    In the end, she hated me because she was dependent on me, and her family (who took turns caring for her). She didn't hate the people, we knew; she hated that she had no privacy, no rest, no dignity, nothing to look forward to except an end to the eternal pain.

    Anyone who attacks a terminal cancer patient because of political or socialogical differences is a dispicable person.

    But I would not wish this terrible affliction on them, even though their callow indifference demonstrates a grevious lack of humanity.

    Once, a couple of months before her death, she turned to me and asked:
    "What have I done to deserver this?"

    I had no answer.

    I still have no answer, after five years of grief.

    She is missed, as all cancer victims are missed.

    But I miss HER! Every day. It's all I can do.

    Nobody deserves this.

    1. Sorry for loss Brother... Will say a prayer for you that His comfort and healing will help you in your grief...

  8. Hi Dave,
    Thanks for the "Up date." So Mike is dying of Cancer and the Dr's gave him "XXX" amount of time before "The End!!" 'Ya have to admit.... all that "time frame" is, is "a 'Wild Ass Guess!!!"... Granted, the Dr's can "speculate" based on the progression of the tumors etc but it's still a "Wild Ass Guess" on their part as to how much time a person has left in this world!! My "Late" wife was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in July of 2010...The Dr. estimated that she had about 6 months left....she died 4 months later!! The bottom line is ......"Nobody knows that time when!!!!"
    My prayers are with Mike and his whole family!!!
    Audentes, Fortuna, Juvat,
    PS As for kerodin and his drivvle.......why do we even give him notice?? Just let him "Bark at the moon!!!"

  9. I am so very sorry for your loss. Nobody deserves the fate of caretaker in such hopeless circumstances, either, and those are the ones who are also being attacked. I can't tell you how many taunting comments from these monsters I have not allowed to be posted in the past several months, and will only say it shows if they had power they would be no better than the Khmer Rouge.

    They lack humanity and decency.

    That's why those who are so ignorant they weigh in with views this as a mere interdenominational squabble and "circular firing squad" are no better than useful idiots the "progressives" rely on. It's no less than the difference between the American revolution and the French one.

  10. We should all be so lucky to have friends like Mike and a son like Mike's. First met Mike many years ago. Tried to get up with him whenever we were going through the Birmingham area. (Full disclosure here: We seemed to buy each other lunch every other time we go together, so maybe I've been bought my Mike). By all accounts, once he got sick, he should have been gone a long time ago. Seems like the Good Lord didn't think his time on earth was quite done yet.

    It's amazing to watch the transition from Mike to his son. It's the same transition from us older folks to the next generation. Yeah, we all have different generational backgrounds, and hence similarities that make immediate friends and colleague. Us older folks are more hands on and the younger folks more technology. But, I am very happy to see that the commonality of liberty flows through both generations.

    I hate the Kerodins for their nastiness. But in a weird way if his drivel causes us to spend a moment and remember what Mike means to us and our country, perhaps it's not all bad.


  11. David,

    I'd only met Mike in person once, and that was several years ago. Thank you for posting his current health status photos. It won't stop the most twisted of the trolls, but it empirically ENDS their a thunderclap.

    I lost my first wife to the big C. Jean was 36 years young, slender, very fit, jogged and walked several miles daily. She was a non-smoker, a non-drinker, and a good shooter, and actually enjoyed eating a life-long healthy diet.

    Surprise. The cancer could care less.

    The dirty biological reality of cancer is that It doesn't need an excuse. The doctors told her she might last a year. She fought it hard for 18 months. The beast made her pay in pain levels I can't even begin to imagine for the last few weeks. The bottom line ?
    Time estimates on cancer are just that, estimates.

    Some folks will tell you that absolute evil simply doesn't exist. I can assure you that it does, and that it actually enjoys its job. It is my most sincere prayer that no reader here ever has to experience what such evil can do to a family member or close friend. Particularly, once it decides to make itself completely at home in their formerly healthy body.

    David, we continue to pray for Mike and his family daily.

    For you, too.

    Joe ( typeay )


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